Chapter 9

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Thank you AliciaFuentes312 for all of your comments!

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Thank you AliciaFuentes312 for all of your comments!

"We're going to Caroline's."


We walked to Caroline's. It is only a five minute walk.

We arrive at her doorstep and before I can knock the door swings open.

She pulls me in totally ignoring Maddie.

"Hello, little people need to be noticed too." Maddie tells Caroline.

Caroline grabs Maddie and pulls her in also.

"Where were you?"

I open my mouth but the nine year old beats me to it.

"She was picking me up."

" Why were you with the Mikaelsons?"

Me and Maddie zip our mouths shut.

"Who are the Mikaelsons?" Maddie asks me playing along with our little game.

"Friends of mine. You don't know them."

"Shoot, my mom is home." Caroline shoved me and Maddie from our backs and practically shoved us out the door.

She was grounded for going to the ball.

Her mom was MAD.

"Umm can we go back to the Mikaelsons house please I left my headband in their car."

"Sure come on."

We grabbed her bags and made our way back to the Mikaelson mansion.

Maddie quickly ran up to the steps and rang the doorbell.

Ding dong






"Maddie stop pressing the button, please."

"It was only a few times." She says in her innocent voice.

There is a pause and then the door is ripped open and Klaus is standing in the doorway.

"Umm Maddie thinks she left her headband in your car, can we check really quick."

"Sure love I'll go get you those keys."

I can hear Klaus rummaging through drawers and cabinets.

He finally appears holding the keys in his hands and a smug smile on his face.

"Come on Maddie, try to get them." He holds them up out of Madds reach and dangles them above her head.

Maddie jumps just barely missing.

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now