Chapter 34

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The event was easy to set up, having to talk to the wait staff was a different story. Half the staff was missing and the catering trucks were yet to arrive. Caroline had been pacing back and forth ever since.

I turned my head around to see Elijah behind me. I jumped in surprise and locked eyes with him. I let out a small sigh before a pointy object caught my eye from behind him. There was an older woman with a long object in her hand.

An umbrella.

Like a bad memory, darkness clouds the inner parts of my brain. And a bit of a distant memory clouds my vision. A vision of that night.

He lunges for me, his arms ready to capture me into his embrace. I forcefully push the man back and he stumbles backwards, losing his footing. The world seems to slow down as if to torture me and rub in my mistakes. Almost like it was taunting me.

And like a snap of a finger it's back to real time. He backs up, hits his head on the wall and then slowly sulks down into the umbrella pole that sliced through the flesh over his chest. Making a tearing sound as it breaks.

I felt weak.

My thoughts fade away as a new voice takes place in the back of my head. As if pulling me from my dark place.

"Elizabeth, are you alright." Two hands grab my shoulders as the thoughts drift away. Elijah stares down at me. "Yeah, just thinking about table setting you know?" I say nonchalantly.

His eyes winced ever so slightly at the small lie I told, as if he could sense it. "Come on, people are waiting." I say before I take his hand in mine. I drag him along with me for a few steps before his long strides catch up to me.

Our connected hands stay interlocked when he brings his arm to drape over my shoulders. "Elskan, my love, what time does this whole ordeal start?" His sweet voice filled the emptiness with the words. I looked up at him to shoot him a smile.

"The pageant contestants arrive in half an hour. The pageant is going to be in three hours." I told him. His eyes shift from me to the building in front of us. The florist walk by with bunches of flowers in their hands as they head inside the building.

"Hey, wait, those flowers are for the centerpiece." I tell them. The exchange looks before ignoring me and turning back to the building. "Hey wait." I yell towards them.

The rest of the Mikaelson siblings showed up as promised. Rebekah was flirting with the waiter who was handing out hors d'oeuvres to the guest, but it seemed he was only interested in Rebekah.

Elijah and Klaus haven't left my side since they got here. Elijah on my right and Klaus on my left. Nothing has changed. They walk perfectly in stride as if they are my personal bodyguards. It's like two walls on either side of me, corralling me in.

Finn was socializing. He was talking to the judges and the pagent girls but he and Caroline's Mom have been talking the longest about who knows what.

And Kol was lurking. He would check in with me and then eat some food, drink some champagne and then do it all again like an endless cycle.

I was walking around making small talk. I just spoke to Bonnie's Professor. He seemed a little on the odd side but I let it slide, I could kind of tell she was interested in him. I just needed to make sure he was a good fit for her.

I walked over to Tyler to see him with a girl in a red dress. "Tyler!" I called him. My hand raises ever so slightly signaling that I was trying to get a hold of him.

He turns his head around and a smile catches his face as he spots me. He pivots his feet and starts walking towards me with his date following behind him.

Her hair was a similar color to mine. A nice dark honey brown. Her eyes were a pretty hazel-green color like mine too. She had a soft smile on her lips. It was like looking in a mirror.

Our eyes met and a glimmer flew over hers. It was like a yellow light flashed in her vision. It was so quick I thought I was hallucinating. I could have sworn they glowed.

I blink a few times as if to clear my vision. Her eyes are wide as if she came to a sudden realization. Klaus' hand grabs the small of my back. "Oh sorry, I'm Elizabeth." I say extending my hand in a friendly gesture and send her a small wave.

"Hayley." She says back to me. Her hand copies mine. "We met up in the Appalachians." Tyler tells me. I nod my head in understanding.

There was something about this girl. I just didn't know what yet.


Elizabeth walks away with Elijah and Klaus following her in tow. The girl seemed to puzzle Hayley. The thoughts were running wild.

Elizabeth whispers something to Elijah and Klaus and then picks up the ends of her long dress so that she can run over to see Stefan and Damon.

"I thought she was with the two goons." Hayley said to Tyler as he watched Elizabeth run to her friends. "She is and two other ones too." He says his eyes watching her every move.

"So what, they're friends or something." She asked. He turned his head to face her this time. "No Stefan, Damon, and Elizabeth together is more of a small gang than a friendship."

And it was true. She seemed surprised at this. She couldn't imagine being that close to someone. She could hear their conversation closely. "Hey loser, fetch me some bourbon and if it's under thirty seconds a magic one will appear for you too." The raven hair vampire said to Elizabeth.

"Hey bunny muncher, give me your credit card." She demanded. The boys ruffles through his pockets before handing her the plastic card. With in a few steps she was at the bar ordering a bourbon. Her hair was draped over her shoulders.

The crescent shaped birthmark caught the attention of Hayley. Her eyes went wide at the realization. The glowing eyes, the crescent shaped mark on her shoulder. It all clicked in her head.

They looked so much alike. It could be her twin. The only family she had left could be her. The girl she had her numerous stories about. Tyler talked about her a whole lot, she could tell they were close.

"Weird question, who are Elizabeth's parents?" Hayley asked the Lockwood. He cocked his head ever so slightly to the side. "No one knows her birth parents but she was adopted by the Gilbert's but once they passed Jenna took over custody."

She let out a subtle hum. Elizabeth brought Damon his drink back but kept Stefan's credit card. Hayley knew she had to speak with Elizabeth. She needed to confirm her suspicions. It could all be a coincidence.

But deep down she knew it wasn't.

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now