Chapter 36

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I come out of my room in my little black dress. It had a v-line cut exposing my chest ever so slightly. The dress itself was short, only reaching to my mid thigh. My dress was paired with gold hoops and my curled hair.

Tonight was going to be a blast. Matt texted Caroline telling her that there was going to be a music festival tonight at the Mystic Grill that had a bunch of throwback songs. Caroline invited us all to go.

All of us being Bonnie, Elena, and surprisingly Rebekah too. I brought Rebekah along for the sleepover but I didn't know that they enjoyed her company that much. At first the sleepover was awkward but eventually they were all giggles. I was happy that she was starting to make friends.

I walked out of my room with my phone in hand ready to text Caroline, eyes glued on my screen. "And where are you going?" Klaus' voice asks. My head snaps up to meet his face. "I was going to go out with Caroline to the Grill." I informed him.

He raised his eyebrow, almost challenging me to continue. I snapped my mouth shut, his gaze was taunting me to say something else. "Now Love, no one else should be able to see you this way, all this skin showing, that for me to see and me only." He tells me in a quiet tone while he slowly starts to walk closer.

His pupils were pooling with desire, as we met face to face. His hands started cupping my face. "You are coming with me." He said and before a response could be said he whisked me away into his room.

He put me down and brought me over to the edge of the bed. His body was caged around me with his arms pulling my body against his. "You look beautiful, Love." He said before his fingers started to caress the skin on my arms.

Feeling risky I decided to lay down on the bed behind me. I crawled on the soft comforter and layed down right in the center. His eyes grew wide as he too got down on the bed. "You might want to tell your friends you'll be absent for this evening's activities." Says his British accent really shining through.

"Elizabeth you coming?" Rebekah yells from downstairs. I start to panic wondering if she will come and find me if I say no. I wonder if I can lie to her right before me and her brother and laying together in a bed right before we do unspeakable things. Things I won't be able to tell her because it her brother.

"I don't feel well, I'm going to stay home." I yell back to her. Without a second of hesitance Klaus head dips down to my ear. "Good Girl." He mutters before his face returns to in front of mine. A blush spreads over my face as my cheeks heat up.

"Ok let me know if you need anything." She yells before slamming the front door. His pupils grow wide before he smashes his lips into mine. His hands are placed on either side of my head. His body hovering over mine while he kisses me.

His knee made its way in between my legs putting the smallest amount of pressure possible, but it made me wild. His hands went the the back of my dress.

His fingers fiddled with the zipper as he began to pull it down. "Have I ever told you how perfect you are, Love?" Klaus asked in my ear. I shook my head as he threw my dress on the floor.

"Well you are." He said.

I woke up in Klaus' bed. The images from last night came rushing in and I could feel the redness heat up on my cheeks. "Good morning love." Klaus says kissing my shoulder. "Morning." I say back.

I shift over in bed to face him so I can give him a kiss. My lips attach to his for a soft sweet peck. "Would you like some breakfast, I can wake up Finn?" Klaus asks.

"I should probably throw some clothes on first." I say before climbing out of bed. I sauntered over to Klaus' closet. "Personally I prefer you without clothes." Klaus mutters. I giggle at his remark before searching for something to wear. I dig through his closet for a while but most of his clothes are not comfortable to be lazy in.

"Would you like me to get some clothes from your room love?" Klaus asks after he realizes that I have been looking for a while. "Yes please." I say.

Klaus speeds out of his room and is back within seconds. He got me a big sweatshirt and loose pajama pants. I slipped the clothes on and opened the window because of how dark it was. "You act like you're a vam-" I begin, but shut my mouth. I walk over to the bed once more.

"I act like I am a what?" Klaus asks me. "Nothing honey, let's go downstairs" I say, changing the subject. We walk down the stairs and into the kitchen to see the table already made.

My seat had a blank plate in front of it. The table was decorated with a lot of food. There were chocolate chip pancakes and hash browns and lots of fruit. "Oh thank you Finn." I say towards him I give him a peck on the cheek before sitting down.

"Oh I have to go check the mailbox for the dress I bought. Caroline has reservations at a fancy restaurant tonight. You guys don't have to come if you don't want to though." I say before getting up.

"I would love to come." Finn says, looking at me. The looks he gave me always gave me butterflies. I stared at him for a millisecond more before I turned away. I couldn't help but admire him a little more.

"Ok I'm off." I announce to everyone at the table. I push open the swinging doors that lead to the front room and grab the key ring off the hook. I swing the keys around my finger before I unlock the front door and slam it shut.

I make my way down the sidewalk before I notice a truck trailing behind me. I start to pick up my pace and the truck starts moving a bit faster. I start to slowly jog and the truck gets faster. I had enough with this so I run up to the truck and peered into the front seat.

I say Hayley, Tyler's date from the other night, driving. I waved to her and the window rolled down. "Hey, Ty wanted you to come over. He said he was having issues with Caroline or something." I looked at the brunette girl with a smile.

"Yeah, sure. Let me take the mail inside and I will be right over." I tell Hayley. "Ok sure, you need a lift to the mailbox?" Hayley asks.

I nod my head and she unlocks the doors. I hear a click and pull in the metal handle on the door. I jumped in. I sat down and buckled up but the door lock startled me. I turned to look over at Hayley but instead a pain shoots through my head and I see all black.


Four things:

One, I know this took forever and I apologize. This book was low on my priority list because of how busy I am but I finally set aside time to work on it and I finished this book. (I know I only had to write one chapter...)

Two, yes there will be a sequel. It will have anything for the Originals plot but with my own twist and character in it.

Three, Yes Klaus and Elizabeth had sex. I did it because it's important to the plot. I don't feel comfortable writing it so I apologize if that's what you expected. Thanks for reading anyways if these were your expectations :)

Four, thank you so much honestly for everything. I didn't want to write at all on this platform but after all the attention this book got I persuaded it further and for that I would like to thank everyone.

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now