Chapter 6

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After sitting against the tree for a while I see the Mikaelson brothers run up to me.

Hold up.

What was going on?

First Rebekah. 

Whom I love and we already planned a shopping trip.

She was trying to distract me from the pian which I appreciate.

Now the brothers who I ran into today and they all had the same reaction.

A loving look.

And I felt the same way when they left. 


Are coming towards me.

"Are you ok?" I hear Kol ask

"Where did he get you?" Finn asks, crouching down.

Klaus just takes my hand in his and start rubbing small circles on it.

"Lizzy, love you'll be alright."

Elijah lifts my chin so I'm looking at him.

"Guys I'm fine really."

They all look at me.

"You really think this is a girl's first stab wound? I'm friends with the Salvatores" Rebekah giggles a bit and the Mikaelsons all look shook.

"Mikael has done this for a year now, this isn't even my second, yet alone third."

Rebekah doesn't laugh this time.

"Bonnie gave me some super healing magical herb a very long time ago and I take them in tea when I get 'hurt' you know."

Klaus looked at me with concern "Come on love, you're coming home with us, let's go."

For some reason I trusted them. It was like my instinct was telling me go go with them.

Without hesitation I stand up, forgetting about the pain in my stomach.

Klaus picks me up bridal style without warning.

I was surprised but brushed it off.

He smelt really good like a warm bourbon.

Damon often commented about how bad these people were but they were all nice to me.

Kol was funny and kinda romantic. It was like we knew each other but we just met

Finn seemed super gentle and sweet. He was easy to talk to.

Elijah seemed to care a lot and be very proper, almost like a helpless romantic, but in a sexy suit.

Klaus was simply the definition of a gentleman man. He carried me when I was hurt and looked me in the eyes in the most loving way ever.

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now