Chapter 11

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I was extremely tired but I couldn’t sleep.

I wanted to clear my mind but at the same time I wanted to think.

I needed answers but at the same time I was afraid of them.


I had been mated.

I was mated to the most feared people in all of the supernatural world.

But I wasn’t afraid.

They were so sweet to me knew yet I was supposed to hate them.

But how could I hate them.

Their charming personalities. Their sweet smiles. Their loving glances.

God I sound obsessed.

I’m like some crazed fan girl.

I hear a knock on my door.

“Lizzie, can I come in?” I hear Maddie call from outside my door.

“Yes my lovely Mads, you may.” I say with a grin.

“I just can’t sleep.” She says crawling into my bed and snuggling closer toward me.

“How about this, I’ll get some ice cream and we can sit up here and watch some TV.”

“That sounds great.” Maddie says with a cheery smile.

I smile at her and make my way down the stairs trying to avoid the creaky steep at the top.

I reach the freezer and start rummaging through all the frozen food.

“There it is.” I say grabbing the strawberry ice cream and holding it up like I’m praising it.

I quickly grab two spoons and run back up the stairs and once again avoiding the creaky step at the top.

I quickly open my door and close it softly.

Maddie wiggles her eyebrows and I leap on the bed.

“So Mrs. Madeline, what shall we watch?” I ask properly.

“Why Miss. Elizabeth I believe Zoey 101 would be our best option.”

“Yes yes, so wise Mrs. Madeline.” We start to snicker and then we start laughing.

I open Netflix and we snuggle under the covers and start to dig into the tub of strawberry ice cream.

We get to the third episode and Mads is already snoring into my pillow and cuddled into my side.

I take the tub of ice cream and spoons and put them in my nightstand.

I turn off the TV and snuggle into my covers.

“Good night my sweet girl.” I whisper into Maddies ear.

My phone starts buzzing and an unknown number flashes across my screen.

I answer and put my phone up to my ear.

“Umm hello?” I say.

“Can we please talk?” Rebekah says.

“Sure. About what.” I ask. There are about a million things she could mean.

But I had a feeling it was about her brothers.

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