Chapter 19

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"You killed it honestly, Jess is a douche. Next time I'll give him a price of my mind." Rebekah says as we reach the boys. I wink at her and loop my arm with Kol's because he was closest.

"Guess who we ran into." Maddie supplies as we push the cart into the decorations section of the store.

"Santa Clause?" Klaus asks, offering his hand to her.

She takes it. "No Jess, you should have seen Ellie though she killed it." Maddie says making me sound like a hero.

I told my ex off I didn't save the world from hunger.

"Well good." Kol says and I pull myself a little closer to him. He notices my faint movement and sends a small smile my way.

"Did he want anything?" Elijah says as the curiosity leaks out from his voice.

"He wanted to ring up our tree." Maddie supplies. 

"Yeah Maddie totally wanted him." Rebekah informs the The Mikaelson brothers.

"Really Jess, you could do so much better." Elijah tells her. 

"That's what I said." I say looking at Maddie.

"Hey I said he was hot, I mean was I lying." She inquires.

"Don't you dare respond." Kol whispers into my ear with a warning tone.

I mimic him by pretending to zip up my mouth with an imaginary zipper.

"Oh you weren't honey." Rebekah says under her breath so that only Maddie could hear, but I definitely did.

"Guys," I say, catching their attention. "The ornaments section."

"My love, these aren't the fancy ones." Klaus says as he and Maddie walk into the aisle first.

"I know, I'm starting a new tradition. You can all pick out an ornament and not a fancy one." I tell them to make sure that the one that they will pick will be something representative of themselves or a cool one that they find, not a pretty one that looks good on the tree.

"Sweet." Maddie says as she lets go of Klaus' hand and runs down the aisle.

Me and Kol stay arm and arm as everyone spreads out to find their perfect ornament.

"Popcorn bucket or clapperboard." He asked me. I stared at him and he looked really happy and that made me glow.

"Do the clapperboard you can write on it." I say with excitement. He nods his head and places a small kiss on my forehead.

I can see Elijah and Maddie discussing ornaments to choose and Bex is intrigued at all of the glass trinkets that gently hang on strings.

"So love what do you think of my palette, there was one with the cool colors, but the warmer ones looked much nicer and there are beautiful shades of orange on this palette." He explains to me and his face shows a smile.

"I love it, put it in the cart." I tell him and as he walks back to put it in the cart he kisses my hair. A small kiss but the feeling was there.

Elijah and Maddie come walking to the cart.

"Look, me and Lijah decided to Kill a Mockingbird for his ornament. How cool." Maddie explains as he gently sets it in the cart. The ornament was a black book that had the words 'To kill a Mockingbird' in silver cursing writing.

"And look I got a sparkly gold high heel. They're so pretty. I wanna pair so badly." She says.

"One day young Maddie." I say in a posh voice that makes her chuckle.

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