Chapter 10

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Thank you Rawd0ll_Kisarah

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Thank you Rawd0ll_Kisarah

But something dawns on me, that word.



I awake a short time after my hands are tied together and rope bounded my hands together quite roughly.

They burn from the irritation they have caused.

I glance down to see my shoes off and all the way across the room.

Ester must be a different kind of evil if she didn't let me wear my shoes.

I had been kidnapped before not really caring, but now I had a lot more to lose.

I had Maddie.

I knew it would crush her if me and her parents all left her in the same week.

I know I should not be trying to live for a nine year old, but right now she is all that mattered.

She was my responsibility.

I also had the safety of the Mikaelsons. If they really were my mates like Ester had suggested then they would be feeling the pain I feel.

Sure they were a thousand years old and I shouldn't be protecting them, but their lives were in my hands.

Their life is in my hands.

My tied up hands.

I needed to escape.

I tried wiggling out of my ropes but there was no use.

All of a sudden there is Ester right in front of me.

"You gotta give me a warning when you show up."

"Jump scare." I muttered under my breath.

She gave me the 'really' look.

"Don't scold me I'm not your child, and I thank god for that."

"Back to business Elizabeth-." I cut her off.

"Only my friends call me that, it's Miss Gilbert to you."

"Sorry, back to business Miss Gilbert." She says with an eye roll.

"Keep rolling your eyes and maybe you'll find a brain." I say sounding like a middle schooler with my lame comebacks.

"You know they can see you."

"Please be more specific, 'they' isn't very relevant if I don't know who."

"All of them."

"Is my next clue going to be: you know them?"

"I still need specifics. I don't know if you know this but I'm pretty popular in these parts of town." I say with a smirk.

"Fine. The Salvatores, the Gilbert's, my family. Matt, Tyler, Caroline, and the Bennett witch."

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now