Chapter 23

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Klaus had already left this morning. We said our goodbye and promised to call each other every day. He had swiftly left and I had finished breakfast.

"Elskan, would you join me on a date?" Elijah asks me as I grab the next plate for washing.

Finn had to make amends with the Scooby Doo gang since he is the only one that they don't have beef with.

Kol has been on the phone yelling at Klaus for treating the witches wrongly. He had threatened to slaughter them all of they could not be useful to him.

"Oh Lijah I would love too." I say once a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind me.

Even though I cannot see it I can feel a small smile growing on his lips. His head dips down to my neck and he plants a few small ticklish kisses onto the bare skin.

"Well that is lovely news." He says once he stops ticking my skin. "Be ready in a few minutes." He says gently using two fingers to tilt back my head, so that I'm looking up at him.

He plants a quick peck onto my lips and then he is off. "Oh and leave the dishes, I'll do them in a second." His words make me smile is I drop the sponge and head up stairs so that I can get ready for our glorious date.

I run up the stairs, my feet coming in contact with every step. The pitter patter sound follows me up to the top as I make a turn towards my room.

I slam the door and make my way to the closet. The closet doors are ripped open as I furiously look through my clothing options.

Rebekah had picked a floral dress for me when we went shopping so I grabbed that one and dashed over to my jewelry box. Some gold jewelry catches my eye, a simple chain and a pair of hanging earrings.

I dash off to the bathroom to slip on my dress. I remove my pajama shirt and pants as I dance around the bathroom trying not to fall over.

I grab onto the sink counter and steady myself as I slip on the beautiful floral dress. The dress fits me nicely, hugging around my chest, but flowing outward below the hem.

I put on the necklace and simple chain earrings as I slip out of the bathroom door. I pick up my brown leathery sandals off the floor and slide them onto my feet.

My bag was draped over my bed so I scooped it up and threw in a tube of lip gloss, my phone and a hair tie.

"Lijah, my love I'm ready." I yell from my room. The door is whisked open and an angry looking Kol comes stomping through the door.

"Where are you going?" His overprotective side was shining through and it was quite sexy.

A smile shines its way onto my face as he runs over to me. "Lijah asked me on a date." I say as I'm picked up and layed down on the bed.

"Don't leave me darling." Kol wines as he crawls on top of me. "I will be back soon, we can go out later tonight, how's that?" I ask him as his face perks up.

He collapses on top of me, crushing me momentarily. "Kol let go of my date." Elijah says from my door frame.

"Whatever brother." He reluctantly says, but not before pecking me goodbye on the lips. He crawls off of me and walks out of the room.

Elijah walks up to the bed carefully, making little to no noise. "Are you ready Elskan?" Elijah asks me from above me. A smile crosses my face as I imagine where we're going.

"I'm more than ready, Lijah." Hearing these simple words I'm hoisted up off the bed and into the strong arms of my date. He holds me in a bridal style. I squeal as I'm taken out of the comfort of my bed.

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now