Chapter 24

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We went shopping and it consisted of me and Kol throwing junk food into the car every chance we got. We even got a few chances to remove any green foods from our cart and throw them onto random shelves that we passed by.

I was attached to Finn's hip for the most part. Except when me and Kol's plan was put into action.

I would grab food and throw it to Kol and he would place it back into the shelves. With the extra room we would fill it up with junk food.

Elijah was furious when we arrived at the checkout and found that his original produce was replaced with chips, ice cream and cookies.

Lijah had claimed that someone had to have swapped out carts, muttering something about killing such a low life. We ended up redoing our entire list. A giant waste of time may I add.

A ding rings throughout the car as we are driving back. I pick up and turn it over to see the words Nicky with a wolf emoji to the left and a heart to the right.

I quickly open the text, punching in my easy password, my birthday.

Hello love, Be home in a few hours on my way back now.

I sent him back an ok with a heart emoji next to it. A small smile makes its way upon my facial features.

"Hey you're all ok with my friends staying the night right?" I ask them, remembering that I had an eventful night ahead of me.

"You know I'm ok with it, Elskan." Elijah says, grabbing ahold of my stray hand.

"Yeah, am I making dinner for them too?" Finn asks me while he peers down to his phone. "We probably just pick up some food." I glanced towards my nails. Oh we should paint our nails.

He nods his head. "Does that mean you won't be sleeping with me tonight?" His eyes sadden. It had become a weekly ritual that me and Kol would watch a movie in my bed and completely pig out on junk food.

He always made fun of me for falling asleep halfway through the film. "How about we watch a movie when we get home?" I ask him hoping that my small change of plans was ok.

"Ok." He says seeming neither happy nor sad which I take as a win. "You know Klaus will be back for tonight, you should all go to the Mystic Grill and get some drinks."

They all look at me like I just suggested they should jump into a tank of sharks. They are brothers who are quite frankly always busy or hanging out with me.

"Just call it Brother Bonding time." I can see them all cringe at the thought. A chorus of 'no' is said multiple times.

"Please, for me?" The stares of uncertainty wave through the car. "Or you just take off hanging out with me to do it." I say leaning back into my chair.

"You know what drinks sound fabulous." Finn says as we pull up to the house. "Ok drinks tonight." Elijah agrees. The car parks and we all climb out of the car. I slam my door quite hard and suddenly a wisp of air runs in front of me as I close my car door.

"Darling, our plans." Kol says after I comprehend what had just happened. I hold out my hand for his to take but instead he suggests an idea.

He turns around and I get the idea. "Piggyback ride?"he nods his head muttering a simple yes. I jump into his back and once Finn and Elijah see our preposterous idea they both smirk.

"Kol you better not drop her." Finn says, kissing my cheek as he walks past us. "I would never." He hissed back. His grip under my thighs tightened when these words escape through his lips.

I wrap my arms around his neck as we walk towards the front door. I sweep my head down and kiss the shell of his ear once the door is unlocked. He speeds us up to his room and flips me onto the couch.

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