Chapter 17

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I stormed into the Mikaelson mansion.

I am ten steps into the house and then I'm greeted with a concerned looking Klaus and Finn. They looked so cute.

"They said I could move in." I say as soon as I'm at arm distance. I wrap my arms around their necks bringing them into a big hug.

After a few seconds I give Klaus a kiss on the cheek and my lips feel electric. In that little moment I felt the most happy I have been in a while. All it took was a kiss on my mates cheek.

I look over to Finn and plant a kiss on the side on his head just above his eye. The electric feeling trickles through my lips to the tips on my toes just like when I kissed Klaus' cheek.

"I'm so excited." I say letting them go to go dance a little around the house.

I hear someone come from around the corner, but I don't turn around in time before I get a big hug from behind me. Strong arms wrap around my stomach.

"Well what are you so happy about?" Elijah's voice asks close to my ear. His hot breath was fanning over my neck. I hum a little before I answer his question.

"I'm moving in." I tell him and he immediately lets me go. Why did he let me go? He takes my hand and spins me around so I'm facing him now.

"Really?" He asks me pulling me towards him so that my feet are in between his. I mutter a quick yes and all his face reads is pure happiness.

He pecks my forehead and energy flows through me like they do on telephone wires. It was euphoric.

My lips were jealous of my forehead right now.

Pecking someone on the cheek feels great, but being kissed, even better.

I hum in enjoyment and then I feel someone else enter the room, which is Kol since he's the only brother missing.

Lijah lets me go so I can turn around to see Kol.

"I heard the news darling, you're staying." He says coming towards me. I decide to meet him halfway, so I make my way towards him.

I expected a hug but instead I'm met with him picking me up and twirling me around.

The wind is dancing through my hair and I have the biggest smile upon my face.

Kol puts me down and looks at me.

"Then where is your stuff darling, is it in the car?" He asks me looking around their living room.

"It's still at the Salvatores." I tell Kol gently grabbing his arm trying to ease his eagerness.

"Oh well when are we going to bring it here." He asked me. I was curious too. I still need to tell Maddie. She'll be excited though to move in with Bekah.

"I haven't thought about that yet." I say in slight disappointment.

"Well don't look so sad, love we'll help you move." Klaus say walking over to me.

"Really." I mean putting four strong hundred year old vampires to work sounds nice. I mean less for me the better.

"Yes of course." Elijah tells me draping an arm over my shoulders. "Let's get started, the sooner you're in our house permanently the better." He tells me.

"Yeah ok, we need packing boxes." I tell them.

"Lizzy, love how about we use our wonderful vampire abilities and speed it over here." Klaus asks me with a smile. I completely forgot they were vampires for a second.

"Oh yeah right. That'll work too." I tell him in my 'I'm so stupid voice'.

"Alrighty let's go." I tell them grabbing Lijah's hand from over my shoulders and holding it firmly in my hand.

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now