Chapter 4

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Tonight was the night of the ball

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Tonight was the night of the ball.

The one and only Mikaelson ball.

I wanted to meet them. The simple sound of their last name made me curious.

And like everything else in life when you can't have it you want it even more.

Things were moving fast. I moved in like two days ago and I already had my first lonely swing phone call.

Back in New York my best friend Ali gave me some self defense lessons. I'm actually pretty good. I spent two months practicing. 

It may have been a short amount of time, but I learned a lot. 

 I had beat up a few vampires in my time.

Tonight me Remy and Elena were going to have a sibling movie watching marathon. Basically it's all Disney movies that me and Remy are forcing Elena to watch.

Me and Remy were big in the Disney industry. We have matching Disney ears but we've never actually been to Disneyland. It's on the bucket list though we want to hi five a stormtrooper. Don't ask why.

There coming over in half an hour I decided I'm gonna set up before I take two chairs on either side of the couch and prop them up against the coffee table.

I took two more chairs about 6 feet away from the others and placed them directly in front.

I take a big sheet and drape it over the chairs. I turn on the TV and flip to Disney+ and I get some popcorn and grab some champagne from the fridge because popcorn and champagne. 

There's no better match.

I grab my blanket, and a few others from Stefan and Damon's room and some pillows from the couch. I prop them against the couch and lay down.

 I was so content until I heard the doorbell.

"New plan: we're going to Mikaelson ball." Elena said storming in with a ball gown on and an annoyed Jer bear behind her.

She hands me a garment bag with what I assume to be my dress for the ball.

"Why. I just wanna snuggle under my blankets with champagne, popcorn, and a Disney movie."

"Come on, we're sticking it to the man."

"What man?"

"The Salvatores."

"Oh please, those two are boys." I reply " And why are we defying them, aren't you hopelessly in love with them."

 I say with my dreamy eyes and batting my eyelashes mocking Elena.

"Shut it and change."

"Remy did she do this to you too."

He blinked twice like you do when you're being held captive. And I giggled a bit. Both me and Jer were shot a nasty look from Mrs. Stick it to the man.

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now