Chapter 26

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"Actually love it's Christmas already, it's three in the morning." Klaus says tucking a lose strand of hair behind my ear. "Ok I need sleep or else I'll be very grumpy on Christmas morning."

I close my eyes, my vision being blurred with black. I just don't feel tired at all. I start thinking up things to dream about.

I imagine a giant Christmas tree with giant presents under it. The Mikaelson brothers with Santa hats on. Oh yeah that was a dream. Hot cocoa in my hand. But it didn't work.

My sudden thought becomes a black canvas, me once again back to square one. I envision a nice vacation in California. The waves coming up to my feet. My sea breeze filling my nose and the wind in my hair. Hot lifeguards.

Wait, I can't think that. I snap out of my hot lifeguard dreams and am meant with the insides of my eyelids once again.

A thought dawns on me, Maddie will be leaving soon. As in tomorrow. The deal was Christmas and it came sooner than I had thought. Right now my focus should be sleeping not stressing, but it still was there in the back of my mind.

I can count sheep, but that seems way too boring. "I can't sleep." I say with my eyes still closed. "Love you've only been trying for about a minute." Klaus reminds me but it just makes me more persistent.

"We should do something." I say opening my eyes this time. "Morning beautiful." Klaus says like he does every morning. "I didn't even sleep." I tell him.

He just rolls his eyes. "Whatever, morning handsome." I say hoping to put a smile on his handsome face. His smile comes back. "We should do something its Christmas Eve and all we have done is decorate."

"We are never even all together for Christmas so this is a big step." Finn adds from across the room in his chair.

"Yeah so get your lazy asses up and let's get Christmasing." Elijah shoots me a what did you just say to me look and I immediately panic. "Please." I add at the end of my sentence.

He raises an eyebrow and cocks his head to the side deciding that please was the best I would do when I'm on a wild rant about Christmas. "Pretty please." I beg.

No one says anything.

"With a cherry on top." I can see them all cracking. The words are at the top of their tongues. I can feel it. "Fine." Elijah caves.

Yes. My mind starts racing with all the fun things we could do. I mean Cookie decorating. Obviously. Gingerbread house. Make paper snowflakes. Put on Christmas pajamas. Watch a Christmas movie.

"Ok cookies first." I decided out loud. "When was that even an option?" Kol asks me, throwing his hands up at my antics.

"Since now." I get up off the couch and expect there to be four vampires trailing behind me. "We'll come in now, don't make me drag you over." And just to my expectation they stay put. Sat right on the comfortable furniture.

I walk over to Kol and grab his hands. "Hello Darling." I give him the really look. "Don't hello Darling me Kol Mikaelson."

"Oh someone's mad." Klaus quips from the couch. "And don't you make a comment Mister Lazy Bones" I snip back.

"I'm going to make cookies all by myself then." I wait a second before pivoting away to the kitchen. I expect a trail of footsteps but yet again I'm met with silence.

I push through the doors and make my way to the humongous pantry that Finn's kitchen had.

"I'm having so much fun making cookies all by myself." I yell from inside the roomy pantry. I get the metal stepping stool and drag it over to the corner of the pantry.

Elizabeth Gilbert- Mikaelson MateWhere stories live. Discover now