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The sky was pitch black with a few twinkling stars that looked farther away than usual.
The environment was chilling as usual, not even a chirping sound of an insect is heard.
Kelvin would lie if he said the environment is unfamiliar, he has been visiting here since childhood, and the memory dates back to as far as he could remember.
Most of his dreams were this but the chilling feeling was always there each time, making it even scarier.
He hid behind a tree peeping at the giant creature standing a few feet away from him, the creature stood tall looking at the blazing fire in front of him and after a while, it let out a loud angry growl, its voice vibrating through the woods and causing Kelvin to cringe and shake.
This is always the usual scene of his frequent dreams but today looks different, the huge animal seemed to have noticed the presence of a human and turned its head to the direction where Kelvin hid with sweaty palms.
It sniffed and let out another angry growl, almost making Kelvin scream. As if that was not scary enough, he started making his way towards the tree where Kelvin hid.
Kelvin wanted to run but somehow, he can't move his legs, he tried all he could but all to no avail and he broke out in cold sweat.
He was still struggling to run away when he heard another loud growl over his head and he shut his eyes tightly waiting for whatever that was coming and...
“Kelvin! Kelvin!! Kelvin!!!”
Kelvin woke up to his mother's voice ringing from outside the door.
He sat up breathing heavily with sweat all over his body, he sighed with relief thanking his stars that he did not end up suffocating to death in that dream.
“Kelvin!”   Monica's voice sounded from the door again followed by a heavy knock on the door, you can't blame her, it's not usual for Kelvin to sleep up  this late.
Kelvin could sense the desperate concerns in her voice and rushed and open the door to her worried face.
"Good morning mum, " he greeted her, receiving a concerned look
"Are you alright dear?” She asked, moving to sit on the bed while Kelvin followed suit.
" I’m fine, did I get you worried?" Kelvin asked knowing the answer
She gave him an 'isn't it obvious' look.
"Have I not warned you to stop locking your door when you sleep?" She scolded him.
" I’m sorry, I forgot. I guess I’m late for school now, I need to freshen up. " he apologized and quickly escaped to the bathroom knowing the sermon and scolding of his mother would start.
Monica smiled at his actions, saving the scolding for later.
She couldn't help but worry about her son, from his sweaty appearance she could guess that he had the nightmare again.
Kelvin stopped telling Monica about the nightmare when he turned 10, he is a wise child, and always behaved like an adult.
He didn't want to bother his mother anymore and had always endured it but Monica couldn't stop worrying especially now that he had grown very much into adulthood.
Monica thought that running away and blending in with  humans was the best thing to do for Kelvin, but it seemed not.
After her husband  was murdered by his stepbrother she had no other choice but to run away to save her baby.
She moved to the city and promised to never let Kelvin know any of that past but sooner or later he would know.
Indeed, nothing remains hidden forever, he will soon know what he is but Monica did not have enough courage to tell him. At least not yet.
How  would he react to finding out that he is some weird creature and not a normal person? would he accept that? What  would his fate be?

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