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Catching up with their long strides was troublesome but Alice kept running, she can't let them loose her behind, they had Kelvin with them.

They passed many old huts and some people  who looked just like the people who had approached her, they all looked healthy though but somewhat crude with little clothing that were faded too.

The whole place looked so underdeveloped that she wondered where this place was.

It was still a shock to her that human beings lived inside this deadly forest filled with beasts. She sighed internally wondering how the rest of the students were doing, she was almost certain that most of them would be killed by now. Tears pulled in her eyes.

She still couldn't believe that this whole thing was happening, the research team sent first assured that the place was safe so what happened?

She continued limping behind them until they paused in front of a hut finally. The room was small and old with a single bamboo bed at on end,

"seriously where is this?  She asked but no one replied. The only place she had seen this kind of bed and arrangement was in movies which involves the archaic settings.

The man laid Kelvin onto the bamboo bed, used a cloth to cover him and then turned around to her, "You wait outside" he ordered in a monotone.

"No am not leaving him" Alice retorted immediately, she don't know them or what they are going to do with him so she could do everything other thing but leave him in here with them alone.

"You wait outside" he repeated now his face was hardened a bit, is he angry.

"Say all you want but I am not leaving him here with..." before Alice could finish she felt herself in the air, the young woman there with them had thrown her to her back with a single hand like she weighed nothing.

Alice screamed and pounded her back but she didn't even flinch, soon she was thrown outside few meters away with the lady blocking the door which has been closed from the inside. She was lucky that the ground was mostly made by soil and not hard, else her butts would be hurting now.

Alice struggled all her might to go back inside but it was to no avail as each time she reaches the door she would be thrown back to even more distant than she was before. She wondered how a woman can be so strong.

"Hey you know you can't just keep throwing people around because you are strong!   Alice was so desperate and angry after being thrown multiple times. She needed to get inside and at least know what is happening with Kelvin but the rigid lady wouldn't let her.

These people may look harmless but she was not ready to trust any being as far as this forest is concerned, she needs to make sure that Kelvin was alright inside there.

"You know that guy inside there is my boyfriend, I don't know why you people suddenly carried him but please I need to be with him at this point of his life". Alice tried engaging her in a talk but the young woman completely ignored her, Alice wondered if she is mut.

"OK I will just want to stay at the door, I won't enter inside please"

" What about if I give you this diamond necklace? You may not know the worth but I bought it for thousands of money, if you sell it you will instantly become rich please just let me peak through the door"

" Why are you this mean uh? It's not ladylike at all"

" I understand that you people wants to help and attend to him but what if he regains consciousness halfway and didn't recognize any face around him?

Alice pleaded all she wanted but the rigid woman didn't utter even a word, at some point she gave up and sat down on the ground.

She watched as they rush in and out of the room at intervals, it seemed that they were treating whatever was wrong with him. She also saw some elderly people going inside the room too, she just wished that they don't end up eating him inside she was tired of shouting and trying to get in.

Before long her eyelids started getting heavy probably the exhaustion of her own untreated injuries overwhelming her. She fought it for a while before finally succumbing to sleep crashing right at the ground.

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