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Alice was slowly pacing across the room reminiscing on the numerous events that had took place for the passed few days from being chased by beasts, Kelvin turning into what she can't tell, being rescued by some people claiming to need help, coming back home and meeting Kelvin's mom  who confirmed everything and now to this, Kelvin's mom and her sisters unbinding Kelvin.

The whole was so confusing to her that she still pinches herself to make sure she was wasn't dreaming, everything was happening so fast that her brain was finding it hard to process.

Inside the next room is Kelvin, his mom and two other women who according to them are unbinding Kelvin and unleashing his powers.

She wasn't allowed inside the room but she could see everything going on through the silk curtains. The three women sat round Kelvin each chanting words Alice cannot understand with their hands stretched forward.

Kelvin sat at the middle at the center of some drawings those women had made. His body was covered in sweats with some droplets slidding down his forehead.

Alice was not sure what the women were doing to him but he would occasionally growl and his form deflecting between  skin and furs. She wondered why she wasn't terrified watching this, maybe the past few days had hardened her a bit.

The process went on for hours until finally they were done leaving Kelvin lying on the floor in a semi-prone position, sweats were streaming down his whole body and his breathing faster like he just ran a race of 1000 mile.

The women where no different, they all looked exhausted with beads of sweats on their foreheads. Monica went to the kitchen and Alice followed suit to see her washing off some blood from her hands, it was then that Alice knew that she had cut her hand during the unbinding.

"Mum are you really going to let him go through this? Alice suddenly found the words that has been lost from her mouth for like hours now.

Monica smiled bitterly, the lines in her face was very visible showing how suddenly she had aged. Alice stared at her expecting answers.

" My dear, he has to. All his life I have been trying to keep this from him but as you can see meddling with fate is useless because what was meant to happen will surely come to pass. The only thing we can is hope positively but also expect the worst. He was born for this" she replied calmly.

Alice sniffed fighting back the tears threatening to fell from her eyes, looking at Monica's cold back she pitied the poor woman who was at the verge of losing her only child.

"Mum can we send soldiers there instead? I can contact my dad and have him send his men to the forest to rescue the students"

" Child this is not a physical fight. By now the portal is definitely closed and no one can access the village, when next he would open it those children would have been nothing but bones " Monica explained calmly. She rinsed her hands and wiped then on her cloths and then turned to face Alice.

" Dear am so sorry that you got entangled in this. Am sorry that your love pitched its tent at the wrong person" she consoled Alice who rather laughed mockly at herself. That was supposed to be the other way round, she was supposed to be consoling the woman who would likely loose her only child in few days time.

Alice wasn't surprised to hear her say love, anybody who had observed her with Kelvin would say so too. Suddenly she found herself pitiful, she had spent the past four years secretly loving one man only for it to come this even before she could clearly express her love. Just now she is realizing the value of what she had, She wished she had confessed earlier.

She wondered if she would be able to love again.

A sob escaped her throat as she rushed into Monica's embrace both sobbing their souls out.


The room was dark and silent almost like no one was inside. She stood at the door contemplating whether on not to continue with this journey but suddenly his deep voice broke the silent.

"Alice? He called more like a question and sat up. She was surprised that he recognized her even in the dark.

" Kelvin it's me, why is the lights off?

"Sorry I switched them off. Recently I can see even in the dark so I just felt there was no need for them" there was ruffles on the bed and soon the headlamb light came on. "Come in"

"Sorry did I wake you up?  She fidgeted with her fingers as she walked slowly to the bed.

" No I have been awake, why are you not sleeping?

"I have had many things on my head, so I couldn't sleep"

" I understand, same here. You want to sit on the bed?

She meekly climbed into the bed, the tension between the two could be visible.

" you look troubled, what's wrong? Kelvin asked nervously. He wondered why he is suddenly becoming nervous with Alice's proximity. They had sat together many times mostly during studying but his guts tells him that this was different.

" Kelvin would you hate me for wanting this? She asked innocently inching closer to him.    " will you see me as desperate? I know you hate desperate women " she continues

Kelvin was surprised but not lost, he already knew what she meant. His Adam's apple throbbed with nervously as he tried to come up with something to say. He had never imagined them in this kind of situation and so was so confused about how to reply.

" Alice..." he was lost of words and only moped at her.

" Are you going to turn me down again?

" No no no, Alice you know I love you but this is not what I want for us. You know, I may not make it out alive from this journey and this is not the love life you deserve. Am very sorry this whole thing is happening and..."

" Kelvin I want this even if you are not going to make it out alive. I just want to use this little time I have to give you all the love I can is it too much to ask for?   Tears streamed down her face as she spoke. "I spent so much time secretly  wanting but never took any step in acquiring that which I want so I want to change that now"

Kelvin was weak to the marrow, who wouldn't want this when it's coming from a woman he has wanted for years but he thought Alice deserved more.

He knew how sex can be with women especially for their first time, he knew that Alice would be  emotionally bonded with him the moment he do this and if he didn't make it back alive then that would create a huge vacuum in her heart.

The war between his rational and his heart was tearing his sanity apart and this increased his confusion by ten folds. He knew that she must have used all her energy to gather the courage to approach this topic even when he had turned her down in the forest. Her felt terrible for letting her do all the work in making their love work.

He looked at her tear stained face and his heart broke, that moment he made a decision, a decision to come back to her no matter what.

" Am sorry"  he gently grabbed her head and smacked his lips on hers earning a moan from her.

The light went off and soon the room was filled with the heat of their love making, their heartful moans filled the silent night complemented the by slapping of skins.

It will indeed be a long night of pleasure.

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