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The air feels cold bitting into his heart through his skins, he shivers hugging his body and just then he noticed for the first time that he was shirtless.

Kelvin found himself standing inside the woods, the temperature was drastically cold and adding that he was not wearing a shirt made it worse. He looked around him observing his surroundings suddenly his eyes caught an image of himself.

He blinked and looked again but the image was still there, it looks like his reflection but why was the image smiling when he wasn't, aren't reflections exactly the image of the object.

" You are right, am not your reflection" the image started just like he can read his thoughts.

Kelvin was baffled, " Then what are you? Why do you have my appearance!

The image's  smiles broadened." Am you your other half, your wolf. Man do you know how difficult it was to emerge, I almost hate her for putting the bound on us " it continued ignoring his question.

" I don't know what rubbish you are talking about but why the hell do you have my appearance!    Kelvin was both afraid of enraged. For the past few days he has gone through a lot from nightmares he has no explanation for to being hunted by wolfs and now an insane image is claiming to be him. He feels this whole things happening to him are connected all round but he can't solve the puzzle and it's driving him crazy.

The image continued smiling probably enjoying his state of confusion.

" You can disagree with me but then what explains what happened back in the forest with Alice". With this the image reformed into a wolf just like the ones hunting them and just like a flashback Kelvin remembered how his body and bones had melted to form a wolf, how he attacked the other wolf advancing towards Alice and how he took Alice and escaped from the scene.

Kelvin could not believe his memories, he could not believe that he truly turned into one of those blood suckers, he refused to accept that.

He fell on his knees covering his ears to block out the memories from replaying in his mind, " No!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kelvin woke up with sweats all over his body, his breathing was also uneven and high. He sighed realizing that it was a nightmare.

This was the first time he had a different nightmare since as far as he can remember, wondered what it was about this time. He suddenly recognized his surroundings, inside an old hut and laying on a bamboo bed. He noticed Alice laying on a second bed inside the room and without a second thought he rushed to her side.

" Alice" he whispered as he gently pushes her. He was totally clueless of where they are and how they got there.

" Alice wake up" he continued shooking her and fortunately she responded fast.

" Alicia are you fully awake? We need to get out of here OK"

"Oh my God, Kelvin you are awake?  Alice was surprised and happy to see Kelvin awake. She gently felt his forehead to confirm if the fever was gone or not, Kelvin caught her hand halfway. He thought she was still dosy.

" Alice what are you doing, please get yourself together we need to escape from here as soon as possible" Kelvin shook her more vigorously to clear the sleep from her eyes.

" Kelvin am awake, escape to where? Those people helped us, you were burning so much with fever and they came to our aid. They treat you and even clothed you" Alice explained

At Alice's words Kelvin looked at what he was wearing and indeed it was different from his clothes, he was confused.

Alice narrated everything that happened starting from when she woke up and found him unconscious and burning with fever till now, she intentionally omitted the part that he was stark naked when she woke up.

Just then the door opened and the middle aged man that carried Kelvin here followed by other 2 old people entered the room,  they probably heard their whispers.

" Oh our salvation! My king I honor you. The bearer of the mark of our salvation! The oldest woman among them started. She was so old that she was hardly walking even with a supporting stick, her whole body was shaking with old age induced tremor.

She went on her knees in front of Kelvin admiring his face, Kelvin was as confused as a chameleon.

"Oh the goddess moon I praise you. My king I know you would come, the prophecy has never been wrong since the 500 years of my life!  She was almost crying as she admired and touched Kelvin's face.

Kelvin was not making any meaning out of what they were saying. He carefully removed the old woman's trembling hands from his face. The old woman looked hurt by his actions.

" Nne Ola please condone your joy. The young man seems lost of this whole things obviously he didn't grow at our origin and knew nothing about this". The Middle aged man held the woman's shoulder helping her to stand.

" Joseph is that so? She asked as they guided her to a low stool at one end of the room.

" Yes Nne Ola, it is "

" Oh I understand but the most important thing is that he is back to us to set us free "  she continued, the smiles never left her face.

" Look, We don't know what you people are talking about but you are mistaken. You people are probably mistaking him for another person " Alice interrupted, she was just as confused as Kelvin too.

" The mark at the back of his head confirmed it so there is no mistake here young woman " the man, Joseph retorted making Alice to recoil.

Kelvin was not even saying anything or trying to deny it. He don't know what they mean by Salvation or prophecy but he knew that they were not lying . 'was that why mum never allows me to take off my cap? He wondered.

Kelvin sometimes found Monica wierd especially how she never allows him remove his cap for any reason, he has not seen the back of his head nor the mark they were talking about but it somehow satisfies his curiosity about why Monica would never let him remove the cap and answers his questions about his frequent nightmares.

" Am completely lost in all these you people are saying but I won't lie it all feels so familiar like it's something I should know. So,  can you please explain to me what or how this things involves me? I need to understand" Kelvin pleaded confused.

"Of course we will explain to you my son, it's obvious that your mother didn't tell you any of this" the second old man named Chidiora started. Joseph gave him a seat too and he got seated.

Hello guys thanks for reading, please don't forget to vote and drop a comment after reading.

Also about the African names I used,

NNEOLA means mother of golds. It's an Igbo name that literally means a wealthy person.

OBIOMA means a good heart.

CHIDIORA means that God is merciful.

I hope you are enjoying the story so far? I wish to hear your response in the comment section.

Love you all 🥰

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