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Just like an elastic material reaching its elastic limit  Monica felt the zeal break at the back of her head followed my a sudden headache. She immediately knew.

She has been uneasy since Kelvin left few days ago and her uneasiness has kept on increasing each day until now that she confirmed why.

She has always calmed herself down thinking that it's just her motherly instinct of missing her son. In the past few days she engaged herself in many things just to distract her mind from thinking about Kelvin, she worked overtime and comes home late and then knitted until sleep overpowers.

Today she had woken up very early as usual to prepare for work. She cleaned the house and went to the kitchen to make herself a light breakfast but just as bent down to light the stove she felt a crack at the back of her head, the headache that followed suit confirmed her fears.

She was instantly petrified. She knew that this was inevitable but just now that it happened she know that she was not prepared for it yet.

Kelvin's first shift was one of the things she dreaded greatly while raising him. Her fears kept increasing as he grows older, she enjoyed watching his son grow every day but sometimes she wished the world could be paused, she just wasn't ready for it yet.

She did as much as binding him when was younger. Every offspring of the wolves is expected to experience their first shift at the age of 18 or less and once they had experienced the shift their lives changes completely. Monica dreaded this development and wished they never reach for Kelvin to go through the stages.

She has escaped here to live and never remember the origin which took everything that ever mattered to her. Kelvin was the only thing left for her and she wouldn't risk letting him go back to that origin, she wouldn't loose him to anything.

One night when Kelvin was just 7 months old she made the decision, the decision to forget about the origin and live like a normal human for the rest of her life. That night she looked the baby in the eye and apologized then proceeded to bound him, she use her power as a witch to tie down her baby's abilities, this was the only way she could protect her him.

She knew that fate can never be hidden but she tried anyways however now she realized that she was truly helpless against fate, the bound has just broken and she could feel him close to the origin!

She paced up and down restlessly, she wondered what danger he was in. Him being back to the origin can never be a nice thing, she wondered if they had found him and what they are doing with him. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears as she tried her best to hold back the tears, this was not the time for tears.

She entered her room and started looking for something and before long she found it, it was a red stone. She exited the room into the kitchen and grabbed a knife, she then proceeded to the sitting room.

She walked in on Hazel and Clovey, apparently they just arrived. They were surprised to see her with the rock and a knife.

"My Queen what is going on? I can feel your uneasiness in the air, what is wrong?   Hazel started shocked.

Monica didn't bother to welcome them, she proceeded to sit down on the floor and started drawing patterns.

" It's broken. The seal is broken and I feel him close to the origin. I don't know how he is faring there or what troubles they had out him through" Monica narrated still focused on the pattern she was drawing.

Both Hazel and Clovey were shocked at the news. Hazel and Clovey had been Monica's guardian since she came here, they lived under the facade of her sisters and in order not to draw attentions they lived apart and visits just one or twice a year.

They were the only servants that managed to escape with Monica on that bloody night.

" My Queen what are you doing? Clovey asked suddenly snapping out of the shock

" Going to meet my son, over my dead body would I let them take him from me "   with this Monica took the knife and cut her palm open letting the blood drop on the pattern she made with the rock.

" please my Queen wait. We can't take rash actions now please wait " Hazel immediately went down on one knee, her right hand on her chast.

" Who are you to tell me which behavior is rash or not! I know what I felt. With his shift, his clothing will be lost and he is close to the origin, they will recognize the mark on him. I know what am doing so don't ever dare call it rash actions!   Monica was breathing fire as she lashed at Hazel.

The mark at the back of Kelvin's skull is almost invisible to a normal human's eye but for the JUKAN tribe it's very conspicuous.

The first shift usually renders the wolves unconscious and vulnerable if not mentally prepared for and the fact that he is currently close to the origin means that there is high probability that the wrong person would find him in his most vulnerable state.

She shock her head refusing to imagine what could happen if they find him.

She continued chanting spells, the blood continued dropping.

Clovey immediately went down on both knees, "Please my Queen calm down, quench your anger for no body is challenging you. Hazel was only making a suggestion. My queen, what if they are yet to find him? If that was the case then we would alert them with our presence. Our presence would be more easily detected than his as he is a wolf too.

Monica paused,

" What if the right JUKAN finds him first? Then our presence would do nothing but put him in more danger. Lucan can decide to close the portal and have all of use trapped in there while he does what he wants. However there is a chance of him being found by the right person, I believe it's worth it for us to give fate that chance by hoping positively " Clovey pleaded.

Monica was becoming interested in the idea, Clovey has a point. Once they enter there their presence would be sensed thereby putting Kelvin in more danger even if he wasn't already. Moreover Lucan has control over the whole JUKAN area, he can close the portal at his words and have them all killed inside.

" My queen, I believe in your blood that runs through him and that of my king's that he is made of, I believe that he would make it out unscathed more than it would if we interfere" Hazel continued.

Monica sighed tiredly, frustration visible in her face. They really have a good point, if it is his fate to survive he surely will. Binding him had shown her that meddling with fate is useless, it would come to pass later but what if it's his fate to die? She felt tears building up in her eyes again.

She dropped the knife and stood up, she went to the kitchen and started washing the blood of her hands inside the sink.

She felt very helpless and confused. She was literally between the red sea and the devil, each way her son is endangered. A tear escaped her left eyes, her only child was in danger but she could do nothing without putting him deeper inside the danger.

She could do only one thing which is but hope positively.

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