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Just like the air forming a solid out of nothing  Kelvin and Alice appeared at his house in the sitting meeting worried Monica and anxious clovey and Hazel.

It was almost like Monica was waiting for their arrival, relief washed over her face as she saw her son blood and flesh and without a second thought she rushed into his embrace.

Clovey and Hazel was visibly relieved  and same as Alice, she couldn't believe they survived the forest and the whole dramas. She was still finding it hard to believe that the adventure happened in real life.

Hazel saw her state and embraced her in a comforting hug just what she needed at the point as she finally broke down too.

Monica shed tears of joy as she hugged her son closer, she was internally thanking everything she ever believed in. She observed his face checking thoroughly all the lines of his body but none was hurt, more tears streamed down her face as she hugged him tightly almost squeezing the air out him.

" I thought I have lost you just the way I lost your father" she sobbed, her entire body shaking with grieve of the past and anxiety of the future.

Kelvin stood with an emotionless face just watching her have her fill of the moment. His mind was going through all those old people has said to him over and over again and he can't wait to ask Monica the rest of the story.

" Mum I need you to clarify me about these whole historical stuffs?  , Kelvin started after life half an hour of hugging.

" Mum they said you would tell me all I need to know, as we are speaking my classmates' lives are at stake and not to talk of one little girl he took in my stead"  to his shook Monica was not surprised to hear that from him confirming that she actually knew something.

It is still hard for him to accept the fact that his mother was all that those people said.

Monica left his embrace and went to the window staring blankly outside. She knew that the time has come for her to open up to him despite the dangers of him knowing, fresh tears formed at her eyes at the thought of Kelvin facing Lucan someday.

She feels so selfish for restricting what was meant to be but it is her son that is involved, which mother won't be concerned when her son's life is at stake.

"Son please take a seat, it is a very long story and you wouldn't like to stand all through"

Kelvin reluctantly sat down on one of the chairs.


It all started 25 years ago, the witches and the wolves had been neighboring villages but there was no actual cooperation between them until 25 years ago.

I know that you you may not know I mean by werewolf?

Werewolves are a just like normal human beings but have special features of shape-shifting to wolf forms at their will. Some would say that they are some feral animals but they are just humans with extra abilities.

You may not know what I really am, I have been doing a nice work hiding my identity in my quest to protect you from anything that would lead you back to there. I did all those but I guess life has another plan for me.

My lineage right from my great grand mother down to me were known to be the greatest witches then. We had the abilities to control some things but we are not gods.

The witches which is my clan had attacks from another wolf clan over some misunderstanding. The attack was more of a war of the physical strength and at some point it was becoming overwhelming however the neighboring wolf clan came to our help even without us asking them.

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