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Everything feels like fictional story or so Alice thought, from the school to the forest and this whole drama it all felt like one of the fictions she use to read.

Alice sat on a fallen tree as she watch the training combat between Kelvin and the girl Chidobe. The woods was silent except for the sounds from their fists. They first started in human forms and then proceed in wolf forms.

Alice was scared at the beginning but now on the second day she was no longer afraid of it, Kelvin's wolf was so happy to see her fearless of it, it wagged its tail and licked her face to showing how happy it is while Alice rub its shiny black furs. Kelvin's wolf is a giant beautiful black wolf and Alice couldn't help admiring it so much that she got lost of her surroundings most times.

The past two days has been hell for everyone and even though no body spoke up about their fear it's obvious how thick the air is with sadness and fear. Kelvin had been feeling down and more down with each passing seconds, he never rested since then but kept training even in the night and Alice had watched him all through.

She has refused to leave his side and after trying the women let her be after all she has been the reason Kelvin eats these days. He would keep training ignoring everybody but when he sees Alice starving herself  because he doesn't eat too he would he would take a break to eat so absolutely Alice's effect was the blessing they never asked for.

Apart from Kelvin other people has not been resting too. Monica and her sisters had been training too. Monica had been sitting and drawing patterns since the day Lucan visited many of which she would slash her palm and use her blood to complete. Alice's heart breaks for the poor woman and she wished fate would just have mercy on her and grant the people's wish.

Chidobe has been restless also as she tries offer everything she could, her own wolf is an earth brown wolf. It is huge but just like half of Kelvin's however her speed is higher and Alice wondered if it  was because of her size.

Chidobe and Kelvin wrestled for sometimes before Chidobe transformed back to her human form leaving Kelvin to continue training alone. She was naked after she was done with her transformation back to human, this is one of the things Alice was yet to get used to. Alice has always been cought off guard each time they transform back to human on all glory.

When they transform they always tear their cloths into pieces while their bones cracks and reshapes into the feral animal so they usually remove their cloths before transforming. However Chidobe don't feel the least bothered with people seeing her nakedness, she would say that werewolves are proud of their nakedness but unlike her Kelvin is conscious of his nakedness and would hide during transformation to get dressed. Alice thanked God for that though.

"Hey " Chidobe started when she arrived the fallen tree Alice sat.

" hello" Alice waved and threw her cloths to her and she started dressing up.

" Will your eyes ever leave him for a second? She continued making Alice blush, she has been cought in the act.

Truely speaking Alice's eyes never leaves Kelvin since they came here, her love mixed with the fear of loosing him has made her this way.

" How long have you two been together? Chidobe suddenly asked taking a seat beside Alice. Alice was suprised to see the rigid lady she met on the first day she was brought here turning to a friendly young girl.

" We have been friends for like 4 years but we just talked about our feelings few days ago" Alice answered honestly.

" Oh it's true humans date, but that took a long time for you two to realize your feelings for each other" she continued.

" Yeah and I regret it now. I have loved him all those four years but didn't have enough courage to tell him. But now I regret it" Alice sighed bitterly.

" That's one thing with humans, they avoid risk at all cost but what is life without risks. If you don't risks by taking the steps how would you know if it would work or not? Everything is all about risks, when you want something you take the risk of starting somewhere, if it didn't work out life goes on" she was almost sounding like an advisor and  if she hasn't stopped Alice would have taken her as a motivational speaker

" Yeah life is all about risks. What about you, are you in a relationship? Alice asked turning to face her now.

Chidobe smiled.

" We don't date, we just find our mates at the right time and then complete the mating process when we are ready. Unlike humans, the moon goddess assignes us to a soul mate, you know once you see your soul mate and both of you will feel the pull toward each other so that saves us the whole confessing of feelings and that"  she explained

" Oh, I have once read about that in a fiction novel before, I can't belive am now seeing those things real. I wish it was that way for humans. So have you found your mate yet? Alice asked.

Chidobe's experience saddened. " Yes I have but he is no more, he died at Lucan's hand"

Alice mentally slapped herself for asking.

" Am so sorry about that dear "

" It's fine, it happened a long time ago " she waved away.

" So what then happens, do you get to be assigned to a new soul mate? Alice continued, the need to satisfy her curiosity wining over her rationale not to pry into people's private life.

" It do happens but not in all the cases. However I would prefer I don't get another, I won't want to dent his life with my miserable traumatized life" her eyes was filled with unshed tears and she turned her back to Alice probably hiding her tears from her.

Alice felt really bad for opening her old wound. She moved close and hugged her from behind.

" Am so sorry for making you talk about it. And your life is not miserable, your life is a blessing and you are amazing" Alice consoled her.

Chidobe took some minutes to calm down and Alice was happy to see her OK.

" Would you like to see what the human world look like? Alice asked changing the topic.

" Am not sure but I would definitely want to see " Chidobe replied shyly.

" OK. If we make this journey out alive I promise to take you with me to my town " Alice promised.

The two continued talking gradually bonding and becoming friends without their knowledge.


Hello there! hope you are enjoying the story so far 😁

This chapter is more like a fill up chapter but I want us to learn one thing from here. Life is all about risk and if you are not taking risks then you haven't been trying new things 🙂

You want something, you go for it and that's how life is supposed to be. If it didn't work out then life continues ( shaa don't go and try suicidal adventures and say that I sent you  😏)

Start that business you have been meaning to, start learning that skill you want to, Approach that lady/guy you have been crushing on. If it didn't work out then you move on, that's life!

The next chapter is the war scene, who do you want to win 😁 Why do you think he will win 🤔

I think I already know your answer but we will see, even me myself don't know who would win 😌😂

OK. See you in the next chapter 😉

Don't forget to vote to the chapter, you vote gives me vitamins so please don't forget 😊

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