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At Alice's apartment she was busy running around and packing. Belinda her friend and apartment mate was helping her too.

"Babe I thought your class organized feeding twice every day for the trip? Belinda asked all of a sudden.

Alice could only nod as she was busy applying a simple make up on her face.

" Why are you still packing all these bags? Are you feeding your whole class snacks? Belinda asked curiously.

Alice only smiled and continued packing her make up kits. Of course all the bags were not for her, she planned on giving two-third of them to Kelvin.

" Belinda of course it's not for me alone but no am not feeding a whole class. Half is for Kelvin"  she blushed as Belinda looked at her with stern eyes they were shouting ' Are you being serious right now!

" Like seriously how could I forget" Belinda smiled knowingly while Alice continued to blush.

Belinda is like a sister to Alice, they had known each other for like eternity since high school. Belinda's parent are popular business leaders so their social status were quite prominent thus how they met at the same school.

They grew to love each other and when Alice decided to attend a federal university she followed her too though with a sullen face. She was studying business administration and was also in her finals.

They were best friends and It was not a secret to Belinda how Alice loves Kelvin so she understood immediately however she had always asked Alice what she saw in the boy.

Unlike Alice, Belinda is only interested in guys of the same social status. Her family, just like how the typical business people will reason  believes that what matters most in life is the connection other than any other thing so Belinda had only dated men her father arranged for her on a blind date.

She finds the whole thing of Alice's infatuations towards Kelvin weird and unreasonable as she had never thought of liking a guy so much deeply in her heart .

She pities Alice who had been patiently waiting for the same poor guy to confess to her for years now, She had advised Alice to give some of the rich guys sworming around her a chance but Alice refused, she had complained and got tired then decided to let her be. She finds Alice pathetic but no matter what she says Alice won't budge.

"Thank you very much Belly, I love you so much" Alice appreciated Belinda who scuffed in return.

"keep your love to yourself, I don't want it but perhaps somebody else needs" 

Alice Sighed knowing what was to come next. " Like seriously Belly are you going to start now? Like now that am already late hu?

" Alice this trip is an opportunity to tell this guy how you feel, belive me you won't get turned down after all, who in his right senses would turn a Governor's child " Belinda deadpan

" Thank you honey for helping me pack, I love you. I think my driver is here " Alice picked some bags and escaped, she wasn't ready for Belinda's nagging.

" Alice then leave this boy and take another willing guy, you would be a graduate next year but still without a boyfriend!! Her escaping didn't stop Belinda from shouting behind her as she ran after her with the remaining bags.



Hello there, how was this chapter?

I encountered a writer's block at this chapter, I really didn't know what to write about but I hope it wasn't too boring.

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote.

How are you preparing for the Xmas? I hope you enjoying the advent season like am doing here too? I would love to hear your replies in the comment section.

See you in next chapter.

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