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The campus streets were buzzing with people walking in groups, in pairs, or alone. You can be sure UAO has population.
Kelvin and Alice chatted despite  the crowd as they walked toward the  school park popularity known as the love garden, they just exited an old refectory  where they went to eat.
The old refectory is the  average students' usual site of eating while the richer ones visited the restaurants. Kelvin loved visiting the old ref because their foods have  more local tastes, almost like the one Monica cooks, making it easier for him to consume, also their foods are cheaper saving him a lot  of money.
Alice on the other hand does not like the old ref, being a Governor's child, she was brought up differently which makes her sense of taste different, but she still goes there because of Kelvin. Kelvin never knew this, She would lie about how she craves local tastes like the one her late grandmother  used to make for her when she was little.
Kelvin had a bottle of water while Alice had a bag of popcorns, which she had grabbed on their way to the garden. They settled on an empty bench.
"Honestly speaking Kelvin, you have not given a tangible reason why you dropped the role." Alice questioned Kelvin with an open eye.
Kelvin had suddenly dropped his role in their upcoming drama. Their class had planned on producing a movie drama as their final year project, that's what they had been working on since the  second semester of their 3rd year. They got the story, read it, screenplayed it, and assigned different roles to each classmate  but all of a sudden, Kelvin dropped his role last week suggesting that someone else  take  it.
The class was annoyed about it, especially about the fact that Kelvin didn't give any tangible reasons to them.
"Alice you won't understand my reasons. can we please stop talking about it? I promise you that I have a reason for what I did but believe me you won't understand, even if I tell you." Kelvin was already tired of Alice pestering him about this same issue, he wished he could  tell her but he couldn’t , she won't even understand.
It was the role of the mystical beast in the drama. In the storyline, the village had done some evil that attracted the wrath of their Gods, the beast hunted the village until some appeasement was done by a young  virgin female who was the female lead. Alice was the one playing the female lead.
Practicing the role somehow looks like it's the reason why Kelvin's nightmare has become more frequent lately, at certain times  he would be hallucinating during practice, mixing his nightmares with the practice. This traumatized him for weeks before he decided to drop the role.
Alice looked at him with frustration, Kelvin never hides things from her, and that is why it frustrated her that he would take such a step back but never say the reason.
"Kelvin you know that I took the role of the female lead because you were playing that role, do you think I would be comfortable with another person carrying me and throwing me around like that?"
Kelvin knew this, Alice doesn’t like much physical contact with other people unless it's him. The role requires being bundled and carried by the mystical beast and now that another person is taking the role, he knew that  it would be difficult for Alice too.
"Alice, I am truly sorry about that,"
Alice ignored him and focused on her snacks, they fell into silence for a while before they heard footsteps..
In front of them stood Victor and his gang of two other boys. it was never a good thing when they show up.
"And here are  the lovebirds! Victor announced,   with a voice full of sarcasm.
" I don't know how a young man can became this shameless..." Victor started.
"Victor, what do you want here?" Alice interjected, interrupting  him immediately. She had hated  Victor for a long time and his bully nature made it worse for her to tolerate him in the slightest. .
Victor is their classmate and a well-known spoilt rich brat and bully. His father is also a politician and a  friend of Alice’s father.
Victor uses his rich background to bully people especially the poor ones in their class. He is also a known for being a womanizer who uses and discards  women like clothes. Recently, he became interested in Alice, and this created a rivalry between Victor and Kelvin.  
"What I want? I don't need anything! As you can see, I have it all. My only concern was setting things the right way, this beggar  is not supposed to be around you pretty doll."  Victor smugly replied.
Kelvin hated meeting with him, he  hated how he always reminds him about his background and embarrassing  him. Kelvin is not really  poor, Monica has a good paying catering  job while Kelvin owns a  fast-growing entertainment blog. at the very least they were a little above average, but the way Victor talks about him makes it look like he can barely feed himself.
"Victor just because you found yourself inside a generation wealth doesn't mean that you can treat others however you want.  If anyone is shameless here, it's you. " Alice couldn't stomach his arrogant manners and stood up to him.
Kelvin held her back, he knows arguing with Victor is pointless.
"Alice, my beautiful damsel, you and I know that this guy is not supposed to be anywhere around you---"
" Victor will you stop?!” Alice stop up finally unable to stomach his ranting.
Kelvin left while the two started raising their voices  at each other. To say that his ego wasn't hurt is an fat lie.  Though he had resolved within himself to never mind what people say about him but every encounter with Victor still hurts him.
He was never ashamed of his background and social status, but he had always wanted more for himself and Monica, that's why he started touring the internet trying to find means to make money off the internet right from a young age. He started his blog  in high school and after a few years it started yielding some money and this lifted some loads from Monica.
He is proud of himself and how far he has come, however his ego never ceases to hurt each time a rich person looks down on him. He always  avoids their association but with Alice by his side he was always attracting them, most of them were guys who had an interest on Alice.

Kelvin and Alice are not dating, they are just friends who are closer than any normal friends.
They both had feelings for each other especially Alice but none was brave enough to express the feelings first.
Kelvin loves Alice but his social status always makes him feel he was not enough for her so he would rather continue as friends.
Alice loves Kelvin even more but her social status always her makes anxious to say a word about her feelings. Kelvin is somebody who would never be any body's puppet so she was anxious about how Kelvin would understand her advances.
Even I the writer don't know how it's going to happen 😂, but the two should talk about their feelings to each other and fell in love.
Keep reading if you would love to see how that is going to happen 😁

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