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It was a calm evening, the forest air was humid and cold, the tropical trees blocking the sky leaving some rays that escaped the leaves to shine and illuminate the forest floor.

The environment was seren except for the chirping sound of the wild birds and the rustling sound of leaves as the tired soldiers walk about, they have all grown tired by but giving up was not even an option for them. They have a governor's daughter to find.
The soldiers has searched all the nook and crannies of the forest using a tracking device but each time kept finding themselves back to exact spot they started the search. The forest comes to an end here but thier tracking device was suggesting further.

They had spent three days here but still nothing. The army General was at a distance speaking int the phone for like the 100th time and each time talking to the same person. The Excellency family was not taking the delay lightly and had grown so impatient though one can't blame them, after all their daughter's life was at risk.

" Sir am sorry but we have really tried our best and I can assure you that we won't rest until we find her" Mr James, the Armry General assured the person at the other end of the phone. Looking at the middle aged man one could see frustration and desperation.

His Excellency has been calling more often with each passing time doubting his capacities and it hurts his pride and his wife screaming in background each time was aiding in disorganizing his mental stability.

"General you know my daughter had to be found right? Mr Dennison's cold voice seeped from the end of the call.

" Yes your Excellency she has to be found "
" Then get to it done and stop giving me unbelievable excuses, there must be a way or do I send you more men? Dennison may sound calm but the intensity of his rage could be felt from his voice but at least he was not screaming.

" Don't bother yourself much sir, I assure you that we won't fail you and..."
Thier call was interrupted by a shout from a distance.

" There is a way here!!  A male voice shouted.

" Sir I have to go now, I will give you feedback soon " General James notified him a hung up and made his way to the direction of the voice.


His face is gravelly stone cold as he stood  watching the corpses and  body parts scattered across the field, the leafs were also covered with droplets of blood.

Some of the corpses belongs to his men while the rest were that of some strangers, the soldiers. The rest of the soldiers remaining alive were disarmed and tied down.

Lucan was shocked when he was alerted that some armed men entered their territory, that could never be possible unless the portal was tampered with and only Kate can do that.

He shook his head and left, his hands folded into a ball as he stormed towards her hut.

From a small distance he could see her back so calm and peaceful as ever, Lucan is yet to get use to this woman. Even when she had committed the greatest crime, when her heart burns with jealousy and regrets she would always remain calm.

She stood outside her hut watching the forest and totally ignoring the footsteps at her back, it's obvious that she had anticipated him to come.

"Kate how dare you! How dare you defy my orders!! Lucan growled, his chest heaving from bottled angers.

However she ignored him and continued petting her pet rabbit. She totally acted like Lucan was never there.

Bile rose to Lucan's throat, his hands coiled into a ball and his Adam's apple throbbed visibly. He so much hated being ignored for any reason and by anyone.

He released a frustrated growl and rushed over to her spinning her around and pressed her a tree.

" How dare you ignore men adding to what you have done? Have you suddenly stopped valuing your life!  

Kate smirked at his enraged face and this angered him the more.

" How do you feel having your orders defiled? It must have hurt  your ego right?  Kate started her eyes shinning with fury too.

" wow, I didn't know that you suddenly became fond of challenging me, When did that start?

" Lucan it started now and I don't have a hope of changing my mind. You have pushed me way too far for me to continue to endure"  her voice remained calm and her face devoid of any emotion.

" What are you talking about woman?

" Lucan we made an agreement and I fulfilled my own part while you totally never met your part.

" Woman I don't know what you are saying but...

" Why would you know what am saying when you concouosly choose to ignore it. Lucan I betrayed my best friend in exchange for the promise of your love and as far as I can remember you never made an attempt to fulfill that. You made me the loneliest woman and yet you expect me to continue to follow your orders?

" Am not interested in whatever you a spurting, am here to order you to close that portal else...

" What if I say no? Lucan let's have a child then I can let you go after all my love obsessions all these years never yielded anything "

Lucan was enraged and his hands tightened on her neck as he pressed her harder on the tree earning a choked cough from her however she never begged him to let go.

Guiding Kate back to black magic has been of a very great importance to him but at same time became a great obstacle to him in breaking her spirit to do only his wills.

" Am not granting you that and you must close the portals else I shall have your head at my spear by the evening". He released her letting her slumped to the ground and left.

Kate sat there watching his back as his features disappeared further into the woods. Tears pooled in her eyes, she wished she never started this journey.

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