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     The environment looks ruined like a war scene which in fact it is but in contrary there was happiness in the air. Faces are plastered with smiles and laughter as they pack and burned the remains of bodies. 

The fight the day before had prolonged into the night and only ended by dawn with all of Lucan's men down, Kate was no where to be found. 

The Joy that the place had been devoid for years returned and this time it would last long... 

Alice was seated with her parents who wouldn't stop hugging her especially her mother, she hasn't let her breath since the past one hour they arrived. They sat in a bench in front of Joseph's hut. 

" Oh my baby, am so sorry I failed to protect you" Jacinta cried embracing Alice so tightly that she was barely breathing. She has been crying uncontrollably since they arrived, tears of joy. 

After the war ended the prisoners were set free including the students and the soldiers. They students who still had their phones called their families to ensure them of their safety. The soldiers also called for backups and more vehicles to convey the students back. 

Backup arrived with some paramedics for first aids and that's how Alice's parents came along refusing all advice against coming. 

The students who were injured were treated, some were already infected due to the untreated wounds that had stayed for days. 

Kelvin and Chidobe where also injured in the fight so the paramedics tended to them too and even though they insisted that they don't need it Alice nagged him until he agreed to be treated. 

Alice's parents were very confused by what happened and Alice decided not to confuse them with the full details. She just told them that the forest was attacked by beasts and the village saved them. She saved the details for later and obviously for her mum because her dad would never understand no matter how she explained. 

"Hey Kelvin" Jacinta suddenly called out and Alice was surprised to see Kelvin approaching them. He had always hid from her family. 

He greeted the coupled and an emotional Jacinta engulfed him in a hug crying once more. Alice was almost embarrassed by her mother's uncontrollable emotions but you won't blame the poor woman, she had thought that she lost her child. 

"Sir, ma I really appreciate your help in bringing medics and supplies for the students" Kelvin started. Alice's father only nodded. 

" Also I want to apologize" Kelvin continued, he looked at Alice and grabbed her hands reassuringly. 

Alice was confused at why Kelvin Kelvin was apologizing, she wanted to tell him that whatever that happened wasn't his fault but his next words froze her in place. 

"I have gotten your daughter pregnant and am very sorry about that, I should have done the needful of seeing her people before. However I promised to do what am supposed to do once we get out from here" 

The three was in awe, Alice surprised to see Kelvin so bold and confident while talking to her parents and the couple in shock to hear the news. 

"Oh my God, baby you are? Jacinta managed to say while Mr Addison was lost of words. 

Alice nodded shyly with smiles plastered in her face, just the thought of carrying Kelvin's baby's has managed to keep her happy whenever it was mentioned. 

Jacinta started shedding fresh tears as she engulfed Alice in a bear hug muttering some comforting words to her when in actual sense she needed the comforting more, she had been an emotional wreck for hours now and Alice don't know how to get her to calm down. 

"I know that my social status is not the best place you would want your daughter to be but I promise you that I would take good care... Kelvin continued but Alice's father interrupted him. 

" Kelvin do you really love my daughter? Mr Addison suddenly found the words to say. 

" Sir I love her more than you can imagine " 

" Then it's OK, I approve of you two but hasten up and come and see me after this. My daughter is so precious to be taken for granted so I believe you know what you are getting into? He asked like every father would always ask it. 

Kelvin nodded. 

"OK. She is in her finals and now this so we will only talk about the marriage fully after she had delivered" Mr Addison went on and on stating rules on how to treat Alice. 

When the paramedics was done, the students packed and set out to go home. 

Alice was able to convince her father to develop the small village. 

Joseph, Nneola and the others almost couldn't let Kelvin go but when Monica offered to stay back they were a bit convinced, at least having a Queen is better than having no ruler at all. 

As she promised Alice persuaded Joseph to let Chidobe go with them and he agreed. The journey home was silent and blissful though except for the rocky road that kept throwing them around. 

Kelvin looked back at the disappearing forest and took a deep breath, a lot had indeed happened. From nightmares he couldn't explain to a destiny he initially knew nothing about. 

Just like the supernatural controls the physical how he ended up coming to this particular forest to shoot movies despite every other forests was still a mystery to him but after everything, he was happy that he did. 

The car bounced again shoving him out of his thoughts just in time to catch Alice's limp body. He positioned her on his shoulder and she continued sleeping like nothing even happened.

 Staring at her peaceful face Kelvin smiled, a lot had indeed happened. He wondered if it was the pregnancy hormone that was already kicking in because no normal person would be able to sleep in this rocky movement. 




I'm so so happy that this story has come to end, it has been an amazing journey here.

I look forward to your honest review as I make changes to be better in my next story.

Also, please check my new story here at, MY VENGEFUL MATE 👇

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