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The field was filled by other students building their own yurt mostly in pairs.

Kelvin was not familiar with setting up tent so Alice took the pleasure of teaching him, she learned how to set up a tent since her family usually goes on a beach picnic yearly and they always setup tents that would sustain them for a day or two. It was usually the work of the servants and their escorts but Alice enjoyed doing it with them so she learned it too.

She was really enjoying the feeling of teaching Kelvin something and ordering him around to do this or do that. It was always Kelvin teaching her many things ranging from academics and other things so her ego swelled at the fact that there was finally something she could teach him.

"Do it this way, like use your right hand and fix it on the hold..." she continued unnecessaryly correcting even what's not supposed. She totally forgot how tired she was and how badly she wants to hit the bed, the teasing was more important for her at that point.

Kelvin knew this and smiled inwardly saving his own revenge for when next he would teach her something especially the navigation of the internet.

Thier teasing and charter was suddenly interrupted a mocking laughter.

Victor stood just few distance from them with the most annoying arrogant look.

Alice sighed and cursed Victor inwardly, if looks can kill she would have murdered the arrogant brat a million times at that moment.

"Just like I had expected, the ass licker is actually planning to share the same tent as my Alice. Maybe he couldn't even pay to hire one, what a shameless man" Victor continued and his friends laughed along.

Alice couldn't take it again, she wished it was possible to borrow some magical strength and beat someone up then return it afterwards. Kelvin held her back.

"Victor how many times have I told you to leave me alone and never involve yourself in my business?

" Oh dear, you have said that many times but I don't think it would be possible. You know what? The only thing I should involve myself with now is your business after all who wouldn't mind that his soon to be wife is sharing a tent with another male? Victor totally ignored the grave looks Alice was giving.

He usually behaved like that, the expression people give do not even matter a bit, what matters most to him is spouting all the hurtful rubbish he has to say. He tried to rub Alice's head but Kelvin flinged his hand away, he had enough of Victor's nuisance.

" Oh its like you haven't told your bodyguard of our arrangements hu? Victor continued with his taunting followed by a mocking laughter. Alice stiffened behind Kelvin.

Actually what Victor was blurting about was true but she was never part of it. Few days ago her mom called and told her that Victor's father was making a friendly deal with her father. He was asking if Alice father could give in Alice to his son Victor for marriage.

Alice was enraged hearing that her father agreed to think about it and discuss with his daughter, like why would her father even give it a thought?

She clearly told her mother to advise her husband to get back to Victor's father because she would never even think about that. You can imagine how much rage she was feeling to have referred to her father as her mother's husband, she always does that when she gets to her breaking limit of rage. If it was on her mother's side she would ask her father to talk to his wife and vice versa.

It didn't bother her at after talking to her mother but now that Victor brought it up again she became nervous, she didn't know how Kelvin would understand it.

"Victor even if you had paid her dowry you have no right to be harrasing her if she doesn't want you"  Kelvin on the other hand was shaken by the revelation from Victor but he tried his best and hid it, he can't continue to show weakness.

He knew that Alice don't like Victor and would not even give him a chance but who knows the ways of the rich, they marry themselves to maintain the connection chain so its very possible that they can marry someone they have no atom of love for. He shock his head not wanting to think about it.

"Well that is not up to you to determine! Victor refused to back down and tried to grab Alice's shoulder but Kelvin held his hand.

" What is going on here young men " just then Mr Maduka's voice interrupted the almost erupted fight. Alice breathed relief, she almost wept tears of joy.

She wondered if they had broke into fight what she would have done, they would outnumber Kelvin and having him get hurt because of her was last thing she wished for. At that instant she loved Mr Maduka, he came just at the right timing.

Victor and his friends left immediately.

"Alice I have been looking for you" Mr Maduka continued seeing that none of them would say what's happening.

He was there to remind Alice to call her family and to make sure that she was alright, he couldn't forget the stern warning Jacinta had given him before they leave together with the little tippings he received too.

Alice had almost forgot calling her family for that day so she moved a little distance and made a quick call.

They continued setting up the rest of the tent in awkward silence. Kelvin focused on the work not even looking her way probably thinking about the rubbish Victor had spouted, she wished he would at least ask her about it so that she could explain to him how it really is. She knew that Victor has hurt him again, she wished she knew how to pacify him.

"I still can't believe that we are graduating, it still feels like yesterday when we started our freshman year" she couldn't let the silence continue and thought of what to say to initiate communication.

Kelvin only smiled at her and continued what he was doing.

" Just like yesterday, I can remember how I met a beardless and innocent looking you at English class that year, now we all have changed all through the years. Now have beards everywhere" she continued stubbornly. This finally got a laughter from Kelvin.

" I remember that day too, how a troublesome you was busy struggling for a seat I clearly found first and cleaned" they both laughed recounts the experience.

" However nothing changed on you throughout the years, you were still that short, troublesome little rich baby doll" Kelvin continued,

"You seriously don't mean that there is no visible change in me?

Kelvin observed her searching for the changes he could notice while Alice stood at akimbo readily waiting for him.

" Well I can say that your hips added some flesh getting a bit broader and also these little milk industries did increase a little too"

Alice was shocked that he could say that, Kelvin hardly flirt with her. She instantly covered her breasts with her hands crossed to her shoulders, she suddenly became shy and lost of words.

Alice was a late bloomer and nature didn't endowed her that much so she would on a few occasions feel oppressed by girls with bigger boobs. She had heard multiple times from Belinda that men prefers bigger boobs than smaller ones and now that Kelvin have actually called them little she wished she could just disappear into the thin air out of shyness.

" What? I said what I observed" Kelvin asked faking ignorance of why she suddenly became shy.

" I hate you!  Alice ran off making him laugh out the more.

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