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Kelvin was only mopping while Joseph tell the story of their life. He narrated how Lucan was eating their clan everyday.

According to him the pack of werewolves that attacked the students was led by Lucan. Lucan is ruthless and does anything he wants which includes taking their lives like it's nothing.

His ruthless acts is born out of jealousy and greediness, he wanted what was not his and because nobody supported his wicked thirst he turned that way punishing the village for his hurt ego every day for the past 24 years.

Even though he had claimed the power the clan never took him as their king, this enrages him everyday. He swore to break the clan completely until they all turned his dogs, he tortures them everyday and takes away their loved ones for his amusements.

Nneola went ahead to tell Kelvin that the village has been waiting for his return. She told him that he is the real king and should take his place and save them, according to her that is what the prophecy said.

" The day your mother left, the prophecy was born. The moon goddess revealed your presence to us and since then we had never ceased hoping for this to come to pass" Nneola paused, bitter smile visible on her face as she reminisced on the past.

She is the oldest woman witch still alive in the village, her wrinkled eyes had witnessed enough cruelty way too much for her to handle. She had watched Lucan eating them raw everyday and each time leaves a huge scare on her weakened heart.

She was a very good friend of Kelvin's great grand mother, it still tears her heart apart each time she remembers her friend and how she died at Lucan's hand while protecting the Prophecy. She used her life to protect her grand daughter and her great grand child, the prophecy.

" I wish your great grandmother was here to witness this day" Nne thought aloud

"You knew my great grandmother? Kelvin asked still lost in this whole story.

Nneola smiled,

" My son I know your whole origin, your great grandmother mother was the greatest witch of the Jukan tribe. The wolves and the witches were neighboring villages, they were neither friends nor enemies but the marriage between your father and your mother created a bond between us.

" Obioma your great grandmother commissioned this bond which we all thought will bring success to us however your uncle Lucan ruined it all. On the day of the war your great grandmother sacrificed herself to save your mother and you but before she died she proclaimed the prophecy. We have been waiting for you son "  she shakenly stood up, Joseph guided her as she walked to Kelvin and knelt down.

" Even if I die today I would be the happiest soul because I have seen our salvation. My son we have waited for your return since eternity " she broke up

Kelvin was touched, he helped her stand up and returned to her seat. Alice was still as confused as ever none of all these stories and dramas were making sense to her.

" Am sorry to say this but am still confused, what started the way or how am I supposed to help you people? Kelvin asked confused.

" That's what we need to... " a scream followed by a crashing sound interrupted Joseph as he tends to explain further.

" He is here" Joseph exclaimed

"Who? Kelvin asked

" Lucan, no we can't let him have you when you are still this vulnerable " fear was visible in Joseph's voice and this scared Alice too.

" I will take care of it " Nneola started. She stood up and motioned Alice to join Kelvin's side, Alice did so.

" I will cast a spell that would hide them for a while, let's just pray that he doesn't linger here for more than an hour. The spell wears off after one hour"  she informed them and spread her arms above them, She started saying things no one can understand except her.

Outside the hut Lucan stood with four other men, he was holding a young girl by the hair thus the scream they heard from the inside.

"Joseph I hope you know that it's disrespectful to keep your king waiting? I can see that you still have that arrogant spirit in you. Don't worry, I give you 5 more years and I will break your spirits until you become my dog, I will conquer you then my heart desire will be granted "  Lucan broke into a mocking laughter.

" Lucan what are you doing in my household? Joseph interrupted him

" Oh don't feel too good that I graced your poor house with my magnificent presence. Actually I heard that you are hiding one of my preys and I have come to retrieve him or I will take her instead" he shake the little girl on his gripe as if to remind Joseph that he has his grand daughter.

" Lucan I don't know what you mean please leave my child alone"

" Leave your child alone? I will do that but not until you you provide that which you have taken from me. Search every nook and corner of his household" Lucan instructed the men behind him. They set to search dividing themselves to search different parts of the house.

Shortly after, they emerged empty handed.

" You see, I don't know what you are talking about Lucan now can you let my child go?  Joseph pleaded.

" Well, what if I say no? Joseph do you think you can fool me? My source was 100% sure of what he saw so I give you 7 days to provide him or this child dies. She goes with me" he turned and without looking back left, his men followed suit.

The voice of the little girl as she struggles and pleads for her life could be heard diminishing as they went farther away. The other people there broke down in tears, one woman probably the mother of the girl was struggling to chase after them while other women held her down.

Back inside the room Kelvin was boiling in anger, he wants to go out and confront the man but Alice blocked the door.

"Kelvin do you have a death wish? Do you really think that you are any match for that beast? She stood her ground and refused to leave the door.

" Alice that innocent little girl didn't do anything to deserve that, I won't let anyone die on my stead "

" Others has been dieing like that too, that is why we need you. He gave us 7 days to provide either of you which means she could still be alive until after the 7 days. We would rather give her than give you, it's our duty to protect you from his clutch until you are ready to fulfill your destiny" Joseph said.

" You need to go my son " Nneola started confusing them the more.

" How can I go when everywhere is covered with beasts? Kelvin asked her

" I will teletransport you. You need to go back to your mother, she needs to unbind you and to break the binding spell she put on you when you were still an infant. Only then will you experience your full strength and only then can you face Lucan"

" She will tell you the rest of the story" Nneola said.

" What about the other students? Alice blurted out suddenly.

" My son I believe that you would come back to save us then you can save your friends too " Nneola concluded and closed her eyes. She spread her hands above them and started chanting.


The story is taking a significant turn, who else is anxious!

The secrets are gradually unveiling so sit tight and watch out.

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