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Days turned to weeks and months but yet Lucan hasn't come back.

Even though Alphred was still under the rage of Lucan's betrayal it could still be visible how emotionally shaken is by his disappearance too. I had caught him staring into spaces and deeply in thought, he was also spacing out more frequently now and was becoming withdrawn most of the times.

Not like I can complain, Lucan was all he has. He was his only blood relative alive so he has every right to feel whichever way he wishes.

Alphred's parents had died many years ago. His father died first at a war and afterwards his mother couldn't withstand the heartbreak and followed suit before long.

I know that you may be wondering why there was always wars. Those creatures are uncivilized and proves everything through fight, the winner becomes the king.

While still at the war Alphred and Lucan buried thier father and Alphred assended the throne at a very young age.

Since then he had only Lucan as his only living relative so it was understandable how he was feeling.

We waited and then concluded that Lucan had decided to turn rogue.

Life went on.

On the 6th month of our marriage the whole nightmare happened. That was the worst day of my life.

There was usually a celebration among the wolves to mark 6 months and years anniversary of thier King.

The day was bright and so was my face, the blissful feeling of falling in love over and over again with the same person was washing over me as I watch the preparations going on outside.

I turned to Alphred who seemed to be warming back up to me these days, probably he has decided to let the issue of Lucan not bother him again.

" You look too beautiful for a man" I flirted and he laughed heartedly, his smiles and laughters had always been one of the thing that made him irresistible to me.

If I had known that was the last day I would see those smiles I would have starred a little longer.

He was done preparing just in a few minutes and this keeps me wondering how he does it each time.

I had Clovey and Hazel helping me get ready and it would always take hours and he had no one helping him prepare but each time he will be done hours before me.

" You look dashing too"  he flirted back and we both broke into laughter. If there was one thing I was more grateful for in this marriage, it was marrying my best friend.

The friendly relationship between us made communication so easy and enjoyable. We sometimes flirt with each other like teenagers who just fell in love.

Suddenly there was an uproar outside followed by screams, we rushed outside and met Lucan with some group of people. They had scattered the whole place and soured the the feelings in the air.

Suprisely and shockedly my best friend was among them, Kate was standing beside Lucan.

Her appearance changed greatly compared to what I knew as before and one of the most significant one was her eyes, they were now slit shaped like the one of a snake.

I gasped,

' this can't be '  Kate has soiled her hands in the black magic she once swore to me to never touch.

"Lucan what is the meaning of this? Alphred asked calmly, it's very obvious that he already knew what it was about and that added to his heartbreak.

" Common brother don't act dump. You know what I want, I challenge you to a fist against the throne. I want the crown" Lucan replied arrogantly, there was no atom of remorse in his voice.

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