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" You can't just use and dump me as you wish! Kate screamed, anger boiling down her throat as she stood looking at the man who acts like she was invisible. She looked at the man she had loved all her life who never returned any of those loves, the man whom she had betrayed her entire bloodline for.

She stared at him betrayed. She suddenly felt stupid and like a joke, it's obvious he was only using her and surprisingly she was just realizing. Just like a scale felling off from her eyes she realized how much of a fool she is.

"Lucan you only used me to satisfy your stupid quest for power and lust. You made me betray my best friend and entire bloodline and now you want to dump me?  She asked most rhetorically because Lucan practically ignored her and left the room, she followed suit.

"You made me resurrect the black magic I swore to never touch. I went through hell in the process for you and this is how you pay me back" she reminded him desperation leaking from her voice.

Black magic can be the most powerful but of course the side effects was there too, after she resurrected it she obtained an eternal wound on her skull and back which she had been living with every moment of her life. The wounds are untreatable and  extremely painful and she willingly went through that all because of her foolish love.

"Lucan you promised me... She was cut off by Lucan who suddenly remembered that she is at his face screaming.

" Yes I promised you and I did fulfilled my promise. I married you as I promised and I made you the most dreaded woman in this clan, I gave you riches what else do you want woman"

Her nose tingled and her eyes pricked with unshed tears. She felt heartbroken and stupid, 'how could she not see it all these while'

" Lucan the promise was you. You promised me your love but you never fulfilled that, you never loved me not even a bit"

" Oh common wife, you should know by now that no matter what you say or do I would always do what I want. Monica is among my price for the combat and am claiming her and you can't try anything stupid. She is now mine so drop your hunt of her"  he pushed her out his way and stormed off.

" You are the worst creature I have ever seen and I regret stupidly falling into your trap!   Kate shouted at his disappearing feature. The tears she has been holding streamed down as she thought back to her stupidity . They were not tears of betrayal but mostly tears of hate, she hates herself at that moment.

She was blinded by love that she fell into Lucan's manipulative trap. Regrets is not even enough to describe what she feeling now, she should have known that nothing can keep a man who never wanted to stay in the first place.

She hugged her knees and sobbed, she didn't even have the zeal to pick herself up from the ground as she focused all her energies in hating herself and wishing she could turn the hands of the clock.


The forest was empty quite opposite of what he remembered last, people gathered for the combat, Alice's crys and Lucan's command to burn him inside a grave as he falled deeper into the darkness.

Kelvin moved his body expecting to encounter pains but he felt nothing. He turned his neck and sat up, he was surprised to see his body healthy like the combat never happened. He wondered if he was dead and immediately panic set in.

" Hey anybody there" he shouted into the empty space. He hurriedly stood up to find his way back to Joseph's house, only then would he confirm if he is dead or alive.

" Hey can anybody hear me!  He shouted again and this time a famine voice answered, he looked back to see the most beautiful girl he can ever imagine.

She looks so peaceful and has divine aura around her.

" Hey, can you see me? Am I dead?  He hurriedly asked her but instead of answering her she smiled.

" Please am serious, am very confused right now. I was in a combat and then....

" I know"   she interrupted him. " I know everything that happened. You don't know me and am not surprised, no living being has seen me nor can describe me"

Kelvin was taken aback by her speech, he panicked more as he processed what she just said. If no living being had ever seen her then it only meant one thing, only the dead has seen her.

"what are you? The spirit of death I guess? No wonder you are this beautiful" He asked and she only smiled.

" Son don't worry, you are not dead yet. Am the moon goddess and..

Kelvin was so enraged that he couldn't wait to let her finish.

" Wow, the moon goddess huh? Can you still call yourself that? You watched Lucan do all he wishes with the clan and above everything they said that you appointed me but you let me die at his hand. You don't fucking have the right to call yourself that"  by the time Kelvin was done with his ranting tears had filled his chest as they streamed down his cheeks.

The woman remained quite almost like she was enjoying his rantings.

" Son everything happens for a reason. You were the messai and still are but you never asked me for assistance. You focused only on your strength and that's why I made it that way" She told him calmly.

" That is not enough reason. My mum was praying all through was her tears not enough for you? Kelvin was almost bearing his teeth to the woman who on the contrary remained quite and peaceful.

" Your mother's prayers was more that enough but I wanted you to tell me directly. I didn't have a favorite among you all and that's why I preferred each of you coming to me for assistance personal instead of another person doing it for you." she explained camly.

" Like I said everything happened for a reason. I wanted you to show me that it wasn't by your mortal strength that you hoped on and that was all. You are still the messiah that will deliver the Jukan tribe so son farewell until we meet again" she paused talking and waved her right hand.

" Wait" Kelvin wanted to ask her more but before he could complete his sentence the whole place turned dark. The next time he moved he was poked by a hard object.

He moved around and sat up only to realize that he is instead a hole with burnt woods surrounding him but surprisingly his body was not burned or hurt in any way.


So guys with this chapter I hope you won't hate me again 😁

Keep reading and don't forget to vote on the chapter. See you in the next chapter

Love you 😘

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