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She stirred from sleep and moved closer to the source of heat coming from head, every other part of her body was cold and she hated that so she clinged closer to what felt like a warm sand bag.

She stirred again and yearned, eyes still closed. It looks like she had slept for long but at same time she still feels tired and exhausted. She turned and just then she realized that the surface she lays on was hard instead of her comfy bed. She hurriedly snapped her eyes open and finally, reality hit.

Memories from the days before flowed in, she realized that she was still at the forest filled with blood sucking beasts. She sat up and took in her environment, the warm sand bag she was hugging a while ago was Monica who had rapped her close to herself and also covered the rest of her body with a wrapper.

Her actions woke Monica who seemed to be sleeping too up.

"How are you feeling dear" she asked with concern, her eyes where red and her face swollen like she had been crying.

Alice just nodded even though she was sure that she was not OK. She looked around them and saw that the others were also present, they were all put into an open space cell.

Everybody was calm and visibly downcasted including the children, tears threatened to fell from her eyes as she watched them all so hopeless. The captured students and soldiers were also put in a cell opposite their own, most of them are injured and still untreated.

Monica noticed her look and engulfed her into an embrace again as the two sobbed quietly.

" It's OK my child. I will teleport you back home once Kate's magic bound in the environment lessen but am sorry I won't be able to save the other students". Monica sobbed into her ears but she shake her head in disagreement.

There is no way she is leaving alone.

"No I don't want to, am staying with you. My life is already empty without him, I won't even survive the trauma so what's the essence"   she sobbed harder.

The moment was interrupted by footsteps, he is here again. Lucan and his men arrived the environment all armed. He looked proud and happy confirming the fact of him being a sadist because it's only sadist that would derive joy in imprisoning a whole clan.

He whispered something to a guard and the guard entered their cell and disentangle them taking Monica with him. He dragged her to Lucan's side.

"So people of Jukan tribe I believe I now deserve your respect as a king? He started

" Joseph, you have defiled me enough but am going to forgive you because am a very merciful and compassionate leader. I will give you another chance to make right what you have wronged and submit to me "   he continued with authority.

Alice looked at Joseph and its obvious how downcasted the man is right, you won't blame him he had hold on for long and the last strand of hope he has just got cut down.

" Lucan if I submit to you will you release the strangers? Joseph asked him in return, Lucan smirked.

" No I won't "

" Then you don't have the heart of a leader and can't lead us "

Lucan growled showing his displeasure  in his speech.

" Lucan, those humans didn't even cross our  territory . If you are really a real leader you would know killing and capturing them is unjust because they were not a threat to our clan "

" Joseph am not asking for your loyalty but demanding for it . And you only have one option which is to comply or all people who are in any way connected to you will die at my hand "

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