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His mind was awoke but not his body, it looked like he was having sleep paralysis but deep inside he was struggling for his life.

The same frequent nightmare.

He was back in the familiar forest, all the settings were same but today was different. Kelvin was on his heels while the beast after him.

He had seen the beast set a local hut that obviously had people inside it on fire, the agonizing cries filled the forest and before long blood started ozing out of the hut. Kelvin was so freightened that he couldn't help a scream escape his mouth and that's how the beast noticed him.

The run was long and torturous for Kelvin, for reasons he can't tell his body was heavy and difficult to move and the creature was getting closer with each passing seconds.

They continued racing racing until Kelvin lost it, he halted to catch his breath but then he saw the same creature in his front with an evil smirk on its face showing his big fangs, his enlogated nails were dripping blood.

" No matter how long you run, you can't run away from me. It's your destiny that I shall destroy you and then there will be no more prophecy!    The beast continued with a smirk as he comes closer bit by bit. The moment Kelvin tried to run again it stretched his hand and grabbed his shoulder pinching him with the sharp nails...

Back to the physical

Kelvin woke up breathing heavily, his whole body was covered in sweats. Relief washed over him when he realized it was a dream, this time it felt so real that he almost thought it was happening real.

He sighed, got up and entered the bathroom.

After washing up he met Monica at the kitchen making breakfast and she was singing as usual, she always does this, doing chores and singing at same time.

She was cutting some vegetables perhaps making porridges.

" Good morning mum"

She looked up with a smile.

"Good morning sweetheart, how was your night rest?

" Fine and yours?

"It was fantastic too"

" What can I help you with Mum? Kelvin had nothing to do for the morning, it was weekend.

He missed how they used to cook and do chores together back then when he was younger and had a lot of free chances but now his blogging career are taking most of his times.

" Don't worry am almost done dear. Anyways you can help me clean the dining table so that I can set food" she answered with a big smile obvious on her face, she too must have missed Kelvin's company during chores.

"Hey" she called him back before he left

"What happened to your shoulder? She continued with a frown, pointing at his left shoulder. Kelvin looked at the direction and just like a flashback he remembered how the creature grabbed his shoulder in the dream.

He shuddered with fear looking at the barely visible but definitely claw mark wondering how it was possible that the mark came out to the physical.

He looked up and met Monica's questioning gaze.

"Mum" he cleared his throat. "I scratched my shoulder on the door but am fine, it's nothing" he smiled nervously as he excused himself immediately.

Monica sighed and continued, it's obvious that many things were weighing on her mind as she looked so disturbed.

Breakfast was quite for some times until Kelvin broke the silence.


Monica nodded urging him to continue

" Mom about the trip?  He continued

"Kelvin I have told you, you are not going" she acted like it was nothing worth her attention and continued eating.

"Mom you know that am not the only one going, everybody in my class is going. Mom this is our class final year project please let me go. Moreover Mr maduka has sent an investigating team there to look at the place and they assured that it's safe to go. Please"  Kelvin is yet to decifer why Monica would refuse to let him go to trip everybody was going.

" Kelvin...

" Mom please " he held her hand pleadingly
" I know that you are worried about me but I promise to take care of myself there for you OK?

Monica was at loss of words.

" OK, but Kelvin you should make sure to take care of yourself, don't get into trouble and make sure you call everyday until it's over " she finally gave in because it doesn't look like she could stop him anyways.

Kelvin is already an adult so it was very respectful of him to seek Monica's permission on things he does and she didn't want to abuse that respect.

" Sure I will. Thank you very much mom, I love you" he couldn't condone his joy, for the past few months he had been trying to convince Monica to let him go.

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