CHAPTER 20 | Promise |

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                                                                                    WINTER POV

" George Washington Carver was an agricultural scientist and inventor who developed hundreds of products using peanuts (though not peanut butter, as is often claimed), sweet potatoes and soybeans. Born into slavery before it was outlawed, Carver left home at a young age to pursue education and would eventually earn a master's degree in agricultural science from Iowa State University. He would go on to teach and conduct research at Tuskegee University for decades, and soon after his death his childhood home would be named a national monument — the first of its kind to honor a Black American." Mr. Webs gave his boring long explanation so and so on. Winter had to admit, history was the worst and most boring class. 

Even though Winter doesn't complain about anything, as his parents raised him to, this is the one and only thing he would complain about. 

" Qibli! Are you even listening!?" Mr. Webs shouted, slamming his ruler against his wooden desk. 

" Uh-" Qibli had his head resting on his arms. " What were we just talking about, Qibli?" 

" Um, George Ceaver was the first peanut person?" Qibli joked, narrowing his eyes and clearly not listening. 

" DETENTION!!" Mr. Webs ordered, slamming his ruler once again at his wooden desk. Qibli groaned in annoyance but followed the teachers orders. He left the room with his back bent back all the way and his arms swinging by his sides (LIKE THE ROBLOX EMOTE XD). How could he just not pay attention? That'll get many points off his grades. Before he'd gotten into Highschool he would get horrible beatens or poor care if he even got close to a B. 

Once he got a D+ on his test once since his mom had let the dogs out and ripped all his notes in shreds. His mom was very disappointed and pissed so she decided to not feed him or give him attention for nearly a month (Hailstorm took care of him). While his father had... Done something dangerous he could say. That was how he got long stretched scars all over his back. He shook of the thoughts and flashbacks quickly, not wanting to remember his stupid parents. 

Maybe I can think about Moon. Wait- what did I just say? I mean, she is very pretty and so smart- NO NO NOT AGAIN WINTER! STOP SIMPING!! YOU'RE A DISGUSTING CREEP!! Winter nearly slapped himself by his stupid thoughts. Though, he couldn't stop dragging his thoughts back to Science Class.


Moon had her arms wrapped around him. Winter froze. He didn't know what to do. The last time he was hugged was probably 5 years ago- by his brother Hailstorm. He didn't know what to do. His parents would say to push Moon away. 

But.. His parents weren't here this time. Should I push away? Should I just stay still? Should I- His body decided to make that choice. His arms wrapped around her and the side of his poofy white hair laid against her black soft hair. What am I doing? Surprisingly, Winter liked this feeling. 

He liked the touch of Moon ( HE ISN'T A PERVERT-). Her hair smelled like purple lavender. Her hair is so smooth. Winter nearly smiled by the warm hug. He hadn't realized they were hugging for so long. They released each other by their embrace which Winter felt a little bit upset about. His cold heart had felt warm for once- but it was embraced by the cold once again. Winter was about to head back to class with Moon when she suddenly gripped onto his pale hand. 

He liked the feeling of her hand. It was soft, warm, and made him feel... Safe. The last time he felt safe was with Hailstorm- the only and best person in the world. Whom was taken away from Winter on his 13th birthday. 

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