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                                                                                    WINTER POV

4:57. Already? He slowly pulled himself up with his breath still hitching with his heart rate high. Calm yourself.. He took deep long exhales until he could feel his heart and breath had slowed down. I have no time to do more of this, I can't be late. 

He quickly pulled himself up and headed out the doors. He took big huffs of fresh air as he walked. His stomach felt like it was twisting and his heart rate increased as he noticed the huge crowd. What were you expecting, Winter? Two people!? SHUT UP! He quickly shut out his intrusive thoughts and continued his walk. 

The chatting of the crowd increased in his ears as he noticed more and more people started to look back at him. Now everyone was staring at him. Nearly all of them had their phones out to record. Of course they would, what could I expect from this time? He then quickly scanned the crowd, specifically searching for his friends. They're not here, probably because they don't care if you die- not true. His confidence was lacking but his passion was high. 

He finally passed through the crowd to see a grinning Bigtail. 

" Nice to see you again, Winter." Bigtail greeted, with a smug face across his face. He glared at him in response. 

" I see, silent treatment." He nodded slightly to himself. He saw him bite his lip, eyeing his clothing. 

" You forgot a part of that deal." He pointed towards his hoodie and mask. I guess that'll make it fair. " Fine." Make this fast. He gripped onto the bottom of his hoodie, hesitating. 

" Scared?" Bigtail chuckled. 

" Of course not." He then pulled his hoodie and mask off, throwing them to the ground. Gasp's came from the crowd, small noises of pictures going on. Even he startled Bigtail. His face, arms, shoulders, neck, even partially of his stomach was showing. Where the scar was. 

He glanced at Bigtail to see his hand nearly quivering with a very shocked face. But he quickly washed it away, keeping his scared self secret. 

" I'm waiting." Winter noted, a small smirked cross. He was expecting himself to act like a terrified 5 year old when revealing himself, but instead he got the exact opposite. 

" You little shi-" A big sucker punch crossed his face, blood spitting through his nose. Bigtail fell to the ground, his hands trembling. He quickly pushed himself up to get a kick straight into his stomach. He fell back down where Winter took him by the collar. 

He scrunched his fist to get a fast hook into his cheek. He fell back and got an uppercut to the chin. His fist jabbed his other cheek. He fell back in agony as Bigtail pounced on him. He had his legs wrapped around his stomach with his hand gripped onto the front of his shirt. He then started jabbing non-stop across his face. 

Blood splattered his hand as blood poured from his cheeks and nose. After several more punches he finally had stop. 

" Give or watch yourself become a wimp?" He had a smirk across his face. His breath hitched and his vision was slowly blurring more and more. That's when everything seemed to slow down and echo. I can't go on anymore. 

He slowly tipped his head around left and right, seeing the cheering and booing crowd. That's when he saw his friends. All of them. Qibli, Kinkajou, Turtle, even Umber. They were all cheering for him. And so was Moon. She had tears in her eyes but she was still cheering. He could hear a small word from her. 

" Please!" 

This is for Bigtail. Right?  The thought echoed through. 



He shouted and he answered back. 




My fist uppercutted his chin. He'd stumble back with a front kick into the stomach. He wheezed out as he gripped onto his stomach. He bletched bits of blood out of his mouth. I wasn't done yet though. I pushed myself up quickly where Bigtail was already gaining himself back. 

I harshly yanked his hair down where I knee struck him. I could hear a small crack from there. He'd immediately fell to the ground, gripping the brick wall as he groaned in agony. 

" Fuuuuckkk." He'd cursed slowly, his hands covering his nose. He then slowly raised his hand away from his nose. Blood was splattered all over and his nose was somehow slightly out of place. I broke his nose, didn't I? This was only the start though. I grabbed him by the head where I slammed it straight to the wall. 

He fell back where I striked a punch into his cheek. Blood gored out to the ground. He hauled him by the shirt and roughly threw him to the ground. Blood scraped over his hands and elbows. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt where I striked a punch into his chest then into his face. 

I continued viciously striking him nonstop. Blood gushed everywhere on his body. Bigtail had been wheezing and tapping for release but he continued. Right then, the most loudest crack echoed the air. What was that!? 

I dropped him in surprise to see himself miserable. His nose was crooked with blood, scratches, and bruises everywhere. His eyes had small droplets of tears rolling down through his bruised cheeks. His breath was shaking while his hands and arms were quivering. His hand was gripping on his wrist where he was tapping in surrender. 

" Are you done...?" He nearly whispered with his voice raspy. 

I am, right? The intrusive thoughts started piling in right then. 

Kill him! 

Kill him! 

He's just like your father! 

A murderous beast! 

I am the beast- 




I glanced at him again. He was whimpering now. I smiled wickedly. And whispered into his ear. 

" Of course not." I hauled him up and threw him onto the wall. He stumbles down, using the wall as balance. I slammed a fist on his cheek where he fell back. 

I gripped onto his head and slammed it into the wall. I repeated the process where more blood splattered across him and the wall. 

I hadn't realized the monster I've become. 

I hadn't realized the crowd had stopped cheering. 

I hadn't noticed others trying to stop me. 

I hadn't realized how I was acting 





bro finally i posted smth smh but did yall like todays chapter? :>

and tysmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm for 4k readssss :D 

yall got a cake btw :>

QUICK NOTE) Forgot to say that Winter actually thinks Hailstorm died when we saw that flashback and he still dont know if he alive or not so just re-read very little first parts of the intro for winter :>


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