CHAPTER 31 | Icicle |

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                                                                                       ICICLE POV)

She sighed in boredom as she blew another puff of smoke. 

" Though, he's so boring~" One of her friends stated. 

" Then just cheat on him." Aloe retorted with a small chuckle. 

" Yeah but he's so gentle too!" She stated again, stealing a cigar from her pack. 

" Your too soft Icebreaker, break his heart and he wont care. He'll find someone else in a heartbeat." Icicle flicked a finger at her friends forehead. 

" Ow! What was that for!?" 

" If you keep acting like this your going to act up just like Cinder." She'd opened her jaw but closed it a second after. The four other friends bursted into laughter by this. 

" Imagine.." Pearl snickered. 

" She only left cause she was the girl that was cheating with Icicles boyfriend!" Icicle whipped her attention to Icebreaker. She hauled the front shirt of her shirt, revealing a fist ready to jab. 

" Bring that up again and your going to be just like that girl from the forest." She nodded quickly and Icicle let her go with a ruff fall. She laid her back to the brick wall and blew pound of smoke to the air. Icebreaker kept silence as the rest chatted for a while until a voice was heard. 

" Hello girls." She pulled her attention up from her friends to see something very surprising. 

" You got some damn nerve coming here, Bigtail." She bared her teeth. Bigtail chuckled and took out cigar from his pocket, occupying the time. 

" Well, you see here.. I want to go back together-" He nearly fell back when Icicle slapped him hard on the cheek with full force. 

" Why is that?" Bigtail got himself back to balance and continued. 

" First of all, I regretted what I did. Second of all, I realized Cinder wasn't actually a good choice, you were- are way better than her. Third of all, please?" That was definitely the best explanation I've ever heard. She thought to herself for a minute before eyeing her friends. They nodded in agreement. She sighed in annoyance and brought her attention back to him. He had a smirk on his face, knowing her answer. 

" Fine, but if you do it again your not seeing the day of light again." He chuckled and smiled, trying to hug Icicle which she pushed away. 

" Well I guess that fits." He gave her a quick peck on the cheek. She'd eye her friends to see them giggling at each other. 

" Shoo." Her friends immediately listened and went somewhere else. Bigtail noticed this. 

" Are they your dogs or something?" He laughed. She jabbed him on the arm. 

" No, but they know to listen to me." She rolled her eyes in annoyance 

" Yeah yeah.." The two went off in silence for a while, smoking their cigars. She kept herself in thought until Bigtail started speaking. 

" So, how are you and your brother doing?" He asked, with no little suspicion in his voice. She twisted her head to face him. 

" Nothin', I hadn't talked to him for a while." He'd chuckled out of nowhere. 

" Hmph, well speak of the devil, isn't that him?" He pointed to show the direction. She shot her eyes up and searched for where he could be. She nearly jumped in surprised by this. HE'S WITH A GIRL!?!? She jolted from her sitting position but was tugged back. 

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