CHAPTER 15 | Dorms & Roommates |

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                                                                               QIBLI'S POV


It was October 4th, the second month of school. The day where everyone moves into their dorms. Last year they had only done dorms for half the year due to a shortage of students and money. Though it was sordave stupid but tomato tomato. Right now he was walking over to his assigned apartment for his dorm. C054..


After a long time of searching and walking he had finally found his dorm. C054, just like the slip says! Qibli gripped onto his bags full of his stuff. Hope my roommates are cool. He entered the dorm. It was a pretty nice size just for three people. 

The dorm was clean and already had dressers, desks, and rooms set up. He noticed they were other people's supplies and stuff already laying around. I wonder where my roommates are? Just on time he saw someone exited a different room. He had a white baggy hoodie, long black pants, some nice Nike's, and was wearing a black mask with his hood covering the top half of his face. It was Winter. Icicle's twin brother. His grumpy, quiet classmate. The brother of the most ruffest bully around. Qibli stared at Winter, frozen in shock. 

His classmate, now his roommate? " The heck you lookin at Sand - Snorter?" Before Qibli could say anything, Winter got to his room and slammed the door. " Rude." Qibli then entered the same room Winter had exited from. It was a kitchen. Pretty small but decent enough. " Oh, hi Qibli." Turtle greeted. Qibli was a bit surprised Turtle was his roommate but Turtle just seemed like a quiet, nice guy. (Mainly if you get to know him more). 

" Sup Turtle! What you doin'?" Qibli asked, pointing at the containers of kitchen supplies. 

" Just organizing some stuff, the supervisors and principles gave each dorm some supplies for each thing. Like toilet paper, more school materials, sheets, kitchen supplies, tools, and pretty much everything besides the stuff that already was here." Turtle replied, unboxing a load of utensils. Qibli also helped with Turtles unpacking. They both started organizing each box into each part of the kitchen. 

" Hey, do you know what's up with Winter?" Qibli asked, stacking a can of beans into a cabinet.

" I don't know, just his normal.. Y'know, quiet and personal self I guess." Turtle answered blandly, putting some boxes of cereal into a cabinet. 

" Hm." 

Why was Winter always like that? There must be a reason. Of course for him to act like that.


Qibli had been thinking of Winter throughout the day. There wasn't any school today since everyone was getting used to their roommates and dorms. His roommates were okay. But it's just sordave confusing. Turtle seems to like to keep secrets to himself and be himself but not all mysterious like Winter. Turtle will talk and stuff like that but Winter is just... Nobody knows. 

There haven't been too many rumors about him yet. Unless something big happens, everything will be on topic about Winter. Last year everyone was spreading pictures of him cause someone had SOMEHOW gotten a picture of him abusing Icicle. 

Most people did believe it was true since it did make sense why Winter was all mysterious and stuff like that but Icicle is very tough and scary. Though, the rumors had cooled down when people started to find out it was just photoshopped. But it still may or may not be true. He was very sure he wasn't going to get used to Winter. Winter had been in his room the whole time unless he used the bathroom or got snacks from the kitchen. What has he been doing there? 

He wanted to ask Winter why he was so obsessed in his room. Right then, Winter came out of his room. I can ask him right now. 

" Yo, what got you so obsessed with your room?" Qibli asked, getting up from the small fabric couch. He hesitated to answer, clearly wanting to ignore his stupid question.

 " I like my Personal time, not spending time with some brainless turds." Winter said, throwing his trash out. " Hey! I'm not brainless!" Qibli protested, throwing his hands. 

" Says the one who literally forgot the 1st USA president even though we live in the USA." Winter snapped, pointing a finger at Qibli. Yes, he did remember during History class Webs had asked him the 1st USA president which, somehow Qibli forgot. 

" Now let me be in my room with no interruptions." Winter slammed the door loudly, feeling like a baby earthquake. How am I going to get used to him!?

Here's yall new chapter since I havent updated in a few days cause I was takin after school naps. Ik this chapter is named roommates and dorms but its more like Qibli thoughts about Winter so i can finally start their friendship after 14 chapters ;-;. Like, it takes TIME. Idk how many chapters this book is going to have in the end, but I'm guessing around early 30 number cause of my slowness in each book -.0 but I will maybe add big time skips to make it faster. hoped yall liked the chapter :p

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