CHAPTER 4 | Why them? |

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                                                                                    WINTER'S POV

    Winter was sitting in his homeroom. He was all the way in the right back corner, hiding. This was the best and only way I could keep his head down. Of course from the 'Mighty' guy. Not like I'm afraid of that b!tch. Winter was watching each different student come into the homeroom. 

Fortunately his teacher was Mr. Dune. People said he was chill but you didn't want him pissed. He remembered last year Mr. Dune was his English teacher and some kid named Flame? The kid had started throwing crunched up papers at Mr. Dunes desk from his book. The teacher had asked him to meat him in the hallway. 

Afterwards you could here the shrieks and cries from Flame in the hallway and Mr. Dune almost getting expelled. The teacher had very thin dark brown hair and light blue eyes with a basic suit. 

He seemed to look like a boring and basic teacher. He was writing down something on the white board. Probably the schedule. Winter crossed his arms on the desk and rested his head.


After some time, everyone had entered the class room and settled themselves in. The teacher got up from his chair and made a loud ' cough' to get everyone's attention. Everyone quieted down quickly and pulled their attention to the teacher. 

" Welcome to my class, students. As you know, it is the first day of High School for you all. If you haven't read the board, my name is Mr. Dune. I will be your homeroom teacher for the rest of the year and most likely for other years of this High School. I promise you all that I will be a fair and grateful teacher to you all if you behave like good students as you shall be anyway." He'd grab a piece of paper.  

" Today you will all get in permanent groups. If you dislike your group, deal with it but if you and your group have several bad 'disagreements' you would be changed to a different group. Now there are a few tables throughout the classroom and each table has a number on it. When I call a table number, I will list a number of students' names and you will sit at your table. Now here are your guys' tables..." Winter didn't bother to listen to the other table and names until his were called. " Table 3 will have.. Winter, Umber, Moonwatcher, Kinkajou, Qibli, Turtle, and Carnelian." 

The students with the listed students' names headed to their table and so did Winter. Everyone settled in quickly. " Okay students, that is all the names and tables. Today you will be talking and socializing with your tablemates. You will say your names and facts about you and other more socializing activities. Now carry on." Everyone turned their attention to their tablemates. Winter took a quick glance at everyone. I already know I'm going to hate this- Winter was disturbed by his thoughts when a girl started yapping. " HELLO TABLEMATES!!" 

Winter nearly had to cover his ears by the loud talking by the jumpy girl. " My name is Kinkajou! Or Kink for short but mainly my friends call me by that which EVERYONE can call me by that because EVERYONE HERE IS MY FRIEND ALREADY!" Mr. Dune shushed Kinkajou from across the room loudly. " Sorry!" The girl whispered with tons of giggles. 

" You sure are jolly!" A boy had said, with dark tannish skin with brown fluffy hair and many freckles spread around his face. He was wearing black basketball shorts and a t-shirt saying: ' DESERT KING'. Kinkajou responded with tons of small giggles but finally got her voice back. 

" Yes yes, many people tell me that! So back to what I was saying, my name is Kinkajou but call me Kink! I love animals, of course Sloths and I am excited to have classes with you guys and make friendships with you all! Now to the next person!" Kinkajou had finally finished and sat down in her chair. The same boy who commented about Kinkajou's ' huge joy' decided to go next. 

" My name is Qibli, I like the heat and just like Kinkajou, I hope to make friendships with you all. Onto the next person." A girl with rounded glasses with also dark tannish skin and dark brown fluffy hair who seems small went next. She wore a baggy shirt and brown pants with black nail polish gleaming off their fingernails. " Um, hi! My name is Umber. I have 6 siblings but I used to have 7 but unfortunately they died due to a gangster group..." The small girl hesitated. " But I do have a sibling that works here and their name is Clay and I am very excited to see them! Ne- next person!" 

A girl on the left of the short girl was about to go when Winter remembered something. Winter squinted at the girl for a second. That's the girl who tripped me earlier! Winter kept his tense low and just listened carefully. " M- my name is Moonwatcher or Moon for short. I- I like to re- read and I- I guess that's all." Winter watched her every movement, looking for any particular suspicious. He reached up to her eyes. He hadn't noticed earlier, but she had Beautiful Green Jade eyes. By her eyes she had a very Glittery birthmark that looked like a Silver Teardrop. They are very remarkable.. Her jade eyes are so beautif- " Hey Ice - head! It's your turn!" 

He hadn't noticed he was staring too long that already two other people had went. A girl poked him with her elbow harshly. She had red colored hair with a very annoyed and irritated look across her face that seemed to stick to her. Winter snapped himself out quickly. 

Everyone had their eyes laid on him and there was no going back. Winter let out a small puff of cold hair through his black mask. " My name is Winter, I like to breath air, eat food and drink water." He wanted to end it quickly so he didn't need to deal with more chatting. There was a small snort that came from someone around their table. It was the freckled sand boy that had made the snort. Winter glared at him in annoyance. " S- sorry! It- it so fun- funny!" The boy then bursted into laughter which caused nearly the rest of their table to do the same. Winter crossed his arms and sat there listening to their ansulting laughter. Why can't this torture end already.. After a few seconds everybody had cooled down. " Sorry sorry, I- I have a weird sense of humor." 

Thousand words already :0

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