CHAPTER 41 | Interesting |

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I slowly pushed the weight as I had a big struggle with it. After nearly a whole minute I let the weight go and let it fall onto the floor. I laid myself onto the bench press, puffing out big amounts of air in tiredness. The house was empty and silent besides the dogs barking their minds off.

his is so boring, no Winter means no wrestling practices. I thought to myself in boredom until I heard a knock on the front door. Who's knocking this time? I pulled myself up with a groan and left the gym room to the front door. I reached the door and swinged it open.

" For the last time, I don't want your damn cookies-"

" This is the FBI, we'll be investigating your house for an investigation." The man pushed me out of the way rudely and invited himself in. More and more people came through the door with weapons and armor. They had their guns up with masked faces.

" You'll also be coming with us, lady." Two armored people hauled her by the arms and took her away.

" HEY! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TOUCH ME! LET GO OF ME!!" I kicked my legs around, struggling through their grasp.


" Fine then." They pushed me into the back of a van and slammed the door closed.

" HEY!!" I pushed and pulled the door constantly just for it to stay completely still. They locked me in!

These B!TCHES!!



" We can't get ANYTHING out of her Watson! We may as well just give her up and interrogate the father!" I sighed in frustration.

" Look, what that Moon girl told us could've been true. And I'm making sure some abusive father isn't causing an innocent teen to go to jail.." His partner sighed. He knew I was right.

" Fine, do it your way but dont blame me when we just let some criminal out into a school where we get blamed in the end."

" And don't blame me when we lock up the wrong person and get the daughter to be abused too." He groaned in annoyance and let him go. Ha, I always win. I left the room and headed for the interrogation room where you could hear the loud slamming echoing throughout the hallway. Alright, you know your skills. Put her down, lock her in, and you're done.

I took out my keys and took a long exhale. Now! U turned the doorknob and pushed myself through just for a chair to be thrown towards me. I ducked quickly to see the girl heading for the wide opened door. I grabbed her by the back of her shirt's collar and pulled her down.

" JUST LET ME GO!!" She'd shouted and threw a kick onto my shin and pushed me down. I fell back, leaning against the wall. I could hear loud footsteps outside of the door, most likely the officers. One of them was about to pull the door until I stopped them.

" No! I can handle this-''

And my vision went black.


" I told you so."

" Only because I was down!" He'd lay a hand on my shoulder.

" You're a twenty-six year old man but got beaten by a sixteen- year old. That's a girl too! Unbelievable! You're our best investigator!" I sighed in annoyance, knowing he was right.

| Innocent or Down Bad? | HUMAN AU (Winterwatcher)Where stories live. Discover now