CHAPTER 46 | Reunion |

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                                                                                       WINTER POV


The sounds of the shrieking of kids, playing with toys, watching tv, or me, sitting around in silence. The orphanage was okay. There was a bed, a bathroom, food, water, even a tv. All you need to survive. Then why was I crying in the corner? I don't know. Maybe because I'm a failure. I couldn't even say goodbye to my brother when I left for court. 

I know it's jail but still. I sighed deeply as I glanced around the room. I was in the hallway where there were some kids around my age talking. They hadn't noticed me. Or atleast ignoring me, the depressed, 'emo' kid. Better than being feared. Or is it the same thing? It feels like it. I'm really not sure. 

I'm just confused. 

As I muffled my cries into my legs I heard footsteps come towards me. 

" Hey, you got someone that wants you." A deep voice said, tapping my shoulder with a finger. I raised my head slowly and wiped away the tears from my eyes. It was a man with the staff clothing on. 

" Come on." I got up from the floor and stood up, slowly following the staff member. After some turns and walking we reached the office where the paperwork and meetings were held about adoption. 

" Am I getting adopted?" I asked, trying to get rid of my red eyes. 

" Yes, here they are." He then showed me my new family. 

" Qu- quib.."

" WINTER!!" My friend jumped to me and gave me the tightest hug ever. 

" I missed you!" Qibli shouted, still squeezing me. 

" Yeah, me too I guess." He smiled and let me go, sitting back down with his mom and almost dad. 

" Alright, here's the paperwork and after you sign your signature here, he is legally your adopted son." He'd pass the clipboard to Qibli's mother as her fiance read the paper. While they were working on the paperwork I was sitting by Qibli with constant anxiety in my mind. Are they really sure about this? Haven't they seen my history and my families history!? Will they regret their decision? Does that mean Qibli is my brother?? 

Thoughts ram my brain giving me a small headache. I started to feel sweat on my face until I felt an arm wrapped around me. 

" Hey, nervous about joining my family? Wait- not specifically my family since I'm not even blood-related to my mom but you get the point. But don't worry, we're the best people you want to hangout with! Plus we're both almost 17 so we won't be staying with them for a long time." Qibli reassured me, giving me a small grin. He's right. Atleast sordave. 

" Here." Qibli's mom handed the clipboard to the staff. 

" And that's it. You are officially Winter's legal guardians." 

" YAYYYYYYYY!!!" Qibli screeched in excitement, jumping up and down grabbing my hand to join in on the excitement. 

" Shhhh!" His mom pulled him down to quiet him. 

" Sorry!" 

" It's alright Miss, I can understand why your son is so happy. A quick notice that one of the people in the company will visit your home after 2 months of the adoption of Winter. Just a quick check in, make sure nothing is going on." Qibli's mom- no, my mom nodded. 

" Ah alright, have a good day." 

" You too and I hope your marriage goes well!" 

" Thank you!" Everyone got up leaving as I quickly grabbed my bags. Before I followed right behind I felt a grip on my wrist. 

" Hey, don't try to cause any more trouble." 

" Yes sir." He gave me a nod and let me go as I trotted quickly behind my new family. 

Family.. Huh, I thought I wouldn't be even thinking that myself ever again.



" Like your room so far?" 

" Yeah, better than sleeping on a hard mattress and actually having good working furniture." I replied with a small smile. 

" That's nice. How about my mom and almost-dad?" 

" Good too. They don't actually yell at you regularly and make you eat grass." Qibli looked at me stunned. 

" What!? Your parents did that!?" 

" Mhm, but that's in the past." I said, fingering with the rubix cube that Qibli gave me. Some minutes of silence passed until Qibli asked something I wanted to do for a long, long time. 

" Do you wanna talk to Moon?" My mind flashed. I haven't seen or talked to Moon in forever. It would be great to see her. 

" Yes!" I shouted, jumping out of my bed. 

" Alright then, Moon's already here." 

" What?" 

" Downstairs at the door- '' I bursted out of the room, interrupting Qibli's sentence but I could care less. I cared about Moon the most. I skidded through the stairs and to the front door to her. 

" Moon!!" 

" Wi- Winter!?" I jumped towards Moon with my arms swinging around to hug her. 

" Winter!" We collaged together, hugging with all might. When we let go I was ready to give her a kiss but got a slap back to the cheek. 

" Ow! What was that for- Mph!" My lips were quickly closed when Moon pressed her lips on mine. Her lips were soft and smelled like strawberries. 

I really did miss her. 

After a long minute she let go with a small smile. 

" I missed you too." She then hugged me, laying her head onto my chest. I decided to lay my head onto hers too. This hug was amazing. 

" Hey, next time, don't try to start a fight. Promise?" 

" Promise."


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