CHAPTER 38 | Interrogation prt 1 |

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                                                                                  WINTER POV

My hands were cuffed in front of me as I walked through the empty hallways. Having a hand grip onto my shoulder, willing to never let go. They had taken my bloody clothing away and replaced it with the worst fabric I've seen. The orange oversized shirt flopped around my waist. 

Finally we had stopped at our destination. The medal door clicked open as I was pushed inside. The officer forced me into the rough chair and cuffed my hands to the medal table. As he continued to do that the investigator sat themselves neatly onto the chair across from me. After a minute the officer let go and stood by the glass. 

There was stunned silence for a few minutes. I didn't give eye contact to the investigator and kept my eyes down to my cuffed hands. 

" Let's start." I could hear a small beeping sound as he said. 

" Now you probably haven't been into one of these rooms before but if you don't know, the room you're in right now is an interrogation room. By the word of it you probably know why we're here." I kept a straight face with no emotion as he tried to give a friendly smile. He then took out a binder and a few packs of paper. 

I finally glanced at him for once to see the papers. His brown hair slightly waved and his light skin was a bit bright. I eyed his shirt to find his name tag. 


A second later he'd place several photos in front of me. 

" These photos were the before and after affect of the fight." I eyed the photos closely. The before effect showed Bigtail his normal show-off self while the after effect showed so much. He had a huge black eye that seemed pretty swollen with blood and scraps on his cheeks, chin, and forehead. His nose was crooked weirdly with his right cheek seeming to be droopy. 

" You left him with a swollen black eye, several  broken bones, and much lossed blood. Were you trying to kill him?" 

No reply. 

" Did you intend to hurt him?" 

No reply. 

" Did he harass you in any way for you to attack him?" 

No reply. 

" Did he attack you  first and you fought back in defense?" 

No reply. He'd slam his fist onto the medal table causing me to nearly flinch. 

" Look boy, if you don't answer any of my questions I'm going to have to use force. And I'm not planning on using that." He'd pointed towards the officer who had a hand onto his taser gun. 

" So, what's it going to be?" He smiled innocently, tapping his fingers upon the table. I didn't care though. 

Tased or not, I'd rather not answer. 

A minute later of silence I could hear the footsteps of the officer getting closer and closer. 

" Last chance." I could see the officer turning up the taser, slowly pulling it out of his belt. And I didn't care. 

" Tase him." 

I could hear the footsteps come behind me. I could feel a cold object touch the tip of my spine. A small click sound was made and then that's when I zoomed out. The electricity felt like it was quickly sprawling every inch of my body. I couldn't think or react. I bit my lip hard, trying to hold in my yelps. After a minute I could feel the electricity fall back. My head slammed to the table willingly by the shock. 

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