CHAPTER 49 | Getting Ready prt 2 |

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                                                                                  MOON POV

The mall. 

A horrible place for an introvert. 

Or atleast what I would've said if I was one. Er- atleast I think I'm not one.. I sighed deeply as I walked with my friends at the mall. 

" I'm so excited!" Kink jumped in ethasuim. 

" Same here!!" Umber squealed. 

" Ayy, we're giving the same vibe!!" Both Kink and Umber said and then they both jumped up and down hugging each other. Why am I friends with them again.. I rolled my eyes with a small chuckle. I still love them though- 

" Moon! Moon! Look over there! There's so many dresses over at that store! Please can we go!" Kink begged with pleading eyes. 

" It looks expensive though-" 

" Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaseeeeee Moon?" Umber now begged. 

" Seriously guys.." I sighed, knowing that I would be broke the second I buy even one dress there. Though, my friends, the most loyal and closest friends are here so I guess I'll purchase a dress for them. 

" Fine, we'll go, only because you guys are my bestie westies." 

" Awww, thank you so much Moon!" Umber thanked me with a smile then abruptly, Kinkajou grabbed me and Umber and took us to the store. And to my amaze, the store did have tons of pretty dresses everywhere. 

" Oh. My. Goodness. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Umber and Kinkajou squealed with excitement. 

" Let's go SHOPPING!!!"


I sighed with exhaustion as I slumped back into my chair. I was waiting for Umber and Kinkajou to finish their long shopping spree. 

" Are.. Are you guys done..?" I said with exhaustion as my feet and ankles aced and my mouth tasted dry. 

" Yep! All we need is to find a dress for you!" Kinkajou said with excitement. 


" Too late! We already found a perfect dress for you!" I then nodded as I didn't want to upset the two. Umber handed me the dress and pushed me into the dressing room. The dressing room was pretty big and fancy. It was a bit hard to put on the dress since I usually don't wear dresses. After a while of struggling I finally got it on. 

"Wow.." I looked in the mirror and did a small spin with the dress. It was amazing. I came out of the dressing room for a gasp and applause from Kinkajou and Umber. 

"Th- thanks guys.." I said as I admired my dress and rubbed my arm shyly. 

" Your- you're so beautiful Moon!" Umber said in astonishment. 

"Th- thank you Umber.." I said shyly but I was actually grateful for her compliment. 

"We have to buy it! It'll impress Winter so much!" 

"Wuh- oh my gosh Kink! Le- let's just buy these dresses and leave!" I said with a big stutter and embarrassment.  Both Kink and Umber giggled and we all headed to the cashier to purchase the dresses. As Kinkajou purchased the dresses, I observed the store and then the exit to see a surprise. I noticed Turtle, Qibli, and Winter.. I then put a hand on my face and tapped Kink's shoulder. 

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