CHAPTER 29 | comfort |

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                                                                                      MOON POV

                                                                THREE DAYS LATER ( 1/ 28 / 23 )

Moon sighed in boredom as she read her book and awaited for Winter. She was in the school's library where she was crisscross applesauce on the rugged floor reading her book. She was already in the 7th book of wings of fire. She shuffled through the pages until she heard familiar footsteps. 

She looked up to see Winter walking towards her. 

" Winter!" Moon whisper-yelled and hugged Winter softly. 

" Th- that sti- still hurts." 

" Sorry, forgot." Moon pulled away from Winter and smiled. 

" Did you talk to Mr. Starflight about everything?" Winter nodded. 

" Yes, he said he already knew about it and he'll give us an extension." Winter explained. 

" Great, let's get working on our project then."


The two worked on their project for hours until closing time (6:00 PM). She had to say, they got at least a quarter of it done but still, they had a week and a half to finish. She packed the many remaining pieces of their project while Winter folded the packets of notes. 

" Is that all?" Winter asked, pilling a pack of papers into a folder. 

" Yeah I'm pretty sure." 

" Let's get going then." The two exited the school and headed to the many dorms. 

" Let's head to your dorm first and then I'll get to mine." Winter stated. Moon nodded as they walked closer and closer until the dorms were in perfect eye view. The two walked in silence though. Moon glanced at Winter, the small winds and the cold matched Winter she had to say. The wind blew to his hair causing a small whiff here and there and small flames came through his mouth as he breathed. 

He looks so cute. Moon thought as she blushed. Winter caught her staring and replied with a small smile. Moon smiled back and grabbed his hand softly into hers. 

" Your hand is so cold. It reminds me of your name." He tilted his head. 

" I never thought of it like that but it's cool." Winter joked, showing a smug face. 

" That's not funny, Winter!" She snorted, playfully but softly nudging his arm. He snickered and patted Moon's head. 

" You're adorable." 

" Wh- what?" Moon stuttered. 

" You're adorable when you laugh." He'd smile, his teeth gleaming with the light. Don't you dare blush Moon! HIDE IT!! Moon looked away with her hand covering her mouth. Throughout the walk the two laughed and flirted with each other. She had to say, Moon enjoyed it. 

They finally arrived at her dorm. 

" Thanks for walking with me." Moon said. 

" No problem." Winter gave her one last smile before turning down the stairs. 

" Wait!" Moon grabbed Winter's bag before he could go. 

" Um.. Ca- can you walk me to my dorm again some time?" He smirked. " Sure, I'll love to." Moon waved him goodbye as he left. Hope he keeps the promise.. Moon searched through her pockets for her keys until she felt nothing. What!? Maybe I put it in my backpack or something. She kept her hopes up as she searched her bag. Please please please! She then noticed a notification was on her phone a while ago. She checked the notification to see Kinkajou had texted her.

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