CHAPTER 17 | Bigtail and Winter Heat |

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                                                                             WINTER'S POV




He walked and dodged the chaotic halls. How can people do this!? Winter thought to himself as he passed through a loud group of girls. " Isn't that the quiet kid?" One of the girls whispered to her friends. " Ew, it is him." " He looks scary all the time." " Are the rumors true?" Winter covered his ears, not wanting to hear more insults or stupid rumors. The same cycle he had to go through for a long long time. Since nearly the 5th grade.


Sh!t! I got 5 minutes! Winter zoomed through the halls surprisingly and easily dodging people swiftly left and right. The trick he'd taught himself in the 7th grade when he was being chased by bullies. Right when he was just a corner away from his classroom, someone had tripped him. His backpack somehow unzipped open and released all his supplies and stuff. " Sh!t! Watch where you're going-" He looked back and saw Bigtail standing above him. 

" You should watch where you're going. Running through the halls. Tsk tsk tsk." Bigtail shamed, kicking his notebook and already walking off. The students who were before rushing to class slowed down to watch the event occur. 

" Say's the one who tripped me a$$hole." Winter replied harshly. His words had stopped Bigtail's tracks. 

" The fvck did you just called me?" Everyone who'd stopped to watch the event was whispering and oooing quietly. 

" You heard me.. A$$hole." Winter got up with his bag wanting to leave him. " You aint gettin' away that easily!" Bigtail seized Winter's backpack and pulled him down harshly. Winter fell back hard on the ground nearly having his hood fall off. Don't let it fall. 

Bigtail lunged at Winter which Winter dodged swiftly and kicked his shin causing him to fall. Bigtail surprisingly got up quickly. " Dam!" Some said from the crowd. Winter took a glance at the crowd and noticed most people had their phones out taking videos or photos. 

Winter was too distracted when Bigtail knuckle punched his cheek causing him to stumble back. " OoooO!" Bigtail swinged another knuckle punch at Winter's other cheek. Bigtail was way stronger than Winter expected. Winter dodged Bigtail's swing at his face but then he gave a strong punch strike into Winter's stomach. 

Winter fell back immediately clutching his stomach. The pain and soreness spread through Winter. He squeezed his eyes closed trying to get the pain to fade away. " Mess with me again and maybe I'll go harder." Bigtail trotted off knowing he had won the first round. The group of people took quick snaps and rushed away leaving Winter to ace their on the dirty marble ground. He was definitely late for class.


Im so happy/proud to this many reads/views (idk which is which :p) I hoped you guys liked this interesting chapter. and if yall red the title and thought what I thought.. ow0

This chapter was very short but was meant to be so it'll start some stuff for the futer >:) I will start making long chapters tho after this one so I dont have a gizzilion chapters at the end of my book. But i'm tellin yall its definitely having more than 30. Hoped yall loved this chapter :D Piece Out- WOF_ndom

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