CHAPTER 45 | Death |

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                                                                                 WINTER POV

His finger pushed the small trigger and boom.

The eerie sound and the loud boom could cause even a death person to hear it. The small bullet zoomed right out. My eyes widened in shock and fear. I thought I would be glued to the floor forever until my reflexes finally kicked in. 

 My legs pushed me to the left, my arm catched me in the way as I rolled through the marble floor. I could hear the bullet clatting across the floor. Away from touching me. My breathing shaked, my body quivered, and my eyes watched in terror. 

I knew my father was horrible but horrible to kill someone? I knew, right then, he had no heart. And will never have one. I saw him standing there. Furious and shocked. 

" I'm not letting you live that easy!" He'd swiftly turned to me and pounced upon me, pinning me down. 

" L- let go!" I shrieked as I felt his hand reaching for my neck. I kicked wildessley around until I felt a cold metal feeling on my leg. 

" Move it one more time and I'm blasting it off." I froze. knowing of course he wasn't lying or playing.

" Good boy, now, your going to stay still like this and take this bullet through your head." I had more tears in my eyes from fright. He revealed the gun again, raising it slowly and slowly until it softly touched my forehead. 

" I've never been proud of you y'know. You were a failure throughout my whole life. You are the mistake in my life that I couldn't ever take back. But finally, I can redo that mista-" boom.


" Wha- I, ho- how-" Blood gored through his neck. A small hole stood there when blood was gushing out. His eyes blank, staring into nothingness. I crawled back, still shaking in shock and fear. The sirens were already here and the shouts. 

Footsteps head towards me and hands gripped my arm. Questions and shouts were all at me but I couldn't say one word. I was too traumatized to even know what was happening. All I knew was that I murdered my father.


" S- so after all the paperwork and arguments, you're free from charges and everything. But since the de- death of your father your mother has also tried to disown you which she technically legally does since in this state you have to be 16+ to be disowned but as we know you are 16. Meaning, your mother is legally not your guardian no more. Also meaning that you are an... Orphan. Unless you get someone to legally adopt you, you will be sent out of the orphanage home." 

A small silence wept the two. I guess I have no parents. 

Better than having no abusive parents. 

But where do I go? 


I'm already a nobody. 

So, what do I do now?

Was not expecting to write a short chapter 0^0

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