CHAPTER 35 | Ready... ish |

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                                                                                 WINTER POV

I knew it. 

" Moon!" He tried to run up to Moon until Bigtail had gottin in the way. He had Moon in his grip with a sharp knife inches away from her neck. 

" Woah woah, Romeo. You don't want to hurt your little princess. Do you?" He huffed out a breath. He knew if he took a step closer it would be too late. 

" What do you want?" He barked, scrunching his hands to fist's. 

" A small little brawl, y'know?" A smirk crossed him. 

" Why?" He'd paused for a minute. 

" I want to see your potential and.." He grinned wickedly. 

" Your true face, just not mentally. Physically." He took himself a step back in small fear. Don't let it hold you back. 

" Just so you could embarrass me?" 

" Half, mainly to see your cowardly face in fear." There has to be more meaning to this.. But he knew he was only here for Moon not for some investigating. He ignored his thoughts and tried to get straight to the point. 

" Alright then, lets go!" Bigtail shook his head, the grin still upon him. 

" But to make this even more funner, I was thinking maybe the whole school to be there. To watch her heroic plans to be destroyed in matter of minutes." 

" That's what you want? An humiliation!?" 

" Mainly but to also to have your dum popularity to gain down. Your popularity is getting in my way. And I'm not letting some quiet kid to beat me. So, meet me at the same spot here tomorrow with the same time. Without being late or I'm just going to cut the rope a bit early." He stated, twisting the knife slightly. 

" Wi- Winter.. Do- don't co- come!" Moon wheezed out, her breath hitching every second. 

" Shut up!" He'd cursed. The knife hitching up right to her neck- 

" Deal! You get your deal and you won't harm her." 

" Only till tomorrow, if you arrive late of course." He smiled. 

" Fine." He pulled out his hand for their deal. 

" Hold her." Bigtail ordered one of his friends. The guy quickly got a tight grip onto her arms. He pulled his attention back to see Bigtail's hand out. 

" Deal." They said in unison as they shook hands. Before he could let go, Bigtail harshly pulled him forward. 

" You better keep that promise or your little Juliet is going to go through some rough time." He whispered, his breath looping around his ear. He then let go, waving him off. Before he could go, he took one last glance at Moon. She nodded. 

Stay safe.


That night he couldn't sleep. He was worried, scared, raged, just many emotions he couldn't explain. But he knew at least one he was sure about. 



He was ready. Prepared even. He knew what it would cause though. The clocked tick until the time 4:45 had reached. Just fifteen more minutes. He was waiting in the front doors. Silent echoed the long hallways as he flicked his fingers in anxiety. 

Maybe I could trick him, like- like just dodge him and run! No, then Moon would be left behind. He took a long sigh. This was because of me! I should've taken the offer! I literally made a promise! I can't cower away from this, I started it and I'll finish it. - Unlike Hailstorm. 

A sharp pain crawled through his spine. No no no! Flashbacks absorbed his mind, crashing his control over his body. He went limp where he was standing and fell to the floor.



The alarm blared loudly across the room. 

" Sh!t! The alarm went off!" 

" Let's take the shortcut! It'll be the fastest way out!" Hailstorm ordered everyone out. Before he could follow the others, Hailstorm grabbed him by the shoulder. 

" Winter, my friend here, Vermilion is going to stay with you and you must follow him. Can you do that?" 13 year old Winter nodded. 

" What about you?" 

" I'll be right behind you, I promise." He nodded as Vermilion took him away. They ran through the streets, crosswalks, and even dark alleyways. The group was taking a quick rest at a nearby alleyway. 

" We can't stay here forever, Storm. Where are we gonna go without being seen?" A member asked, rubbing his hands. Hailstorm seemed to be thinking. 

" Right there, if we climb up from there we can get out of sight completely." He pointed up where there was a ladder up to the roof. Everyone nodded in agreement as the first people started climbing the ladder. Before he could hop on, a loud siren came nearby. 

" Snow cracks! We don't have enough time!" Vermillion shouted. 

" The rest of us will stay back." Hailstorm stated. Winter watched as the others got ready. What's going to happen? More sirens came off now. 

" What's happening?" He asked Vermillion next to him. 

" Le- let's just get going!" He gripped Winter's forearm and hauled him away from the railing. Right then loud sounds of bangs went off. He tripped down, panicked by the noise. 

" Are you okay!?" 

" Y- yeah.." He peeked over the roof to see something he least expected. A man in a police suit, holding a gun, aimed for Hailstorm. And Hailstorm, trembling, gripping the side of his stomach. Blood spilled out. 

Then, he'd trembled down, spitting out blood. 

I'll be right behind you, I promise. Echoed throughout his mind. This was my fault. If I didn't beg him to take me, he wouldn't be hurt. 

This was my mistake.


He blinked, scanning his surroundings. He brought his attention back to himself. His hands were quivering badly. Even though the memory was gone, his eyes and mind wasn't fully itself. What he saw was different. 

Blood scourged all around his hands, sirens blaring loudly, screaming voices. But- it went back. Less than a blink of an eye. 

This is for Hailstorm. I can't take this back. 


Hehehhe, u rlly thought smth big was going to happen between bigtail and winter in this chapter? heheheh nope. In the next chpater I PROMISE I PROMISE U GUYS. But quick note down ehre before i say bai bai :>

Soooooooooooooooooo. Can yall do a favor for me? :> um I'm going to have to do some editing with a literally like all the chapters with the title. First of all, I noticed that one chapter i forgot the name, second of all, I realised that I wrote chapter 4 two times even tho its supposed to be 4,5 its like 4,4, 5 so I must fix this so if u dont see any changes PLS tell me so I can fix it. Thats the favor. May u do that? :>

Baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, star out :D

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