CHAPTER 34 | Surprise |

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                                                                                  WINTER POV

He sighed in boredom as he was walking to school from his dorm. He scrolled through his phone, looking at the old text messages from Moon. He hasn't seen or heard from her after their date night! I shouldn't worry so much, she probably was hanging with Kink or something, I mean it was Saturday when we had our date night and we had a 3-day weekend.. 

Yeah, I'm just being too overprotective.


He'd finally reached the school on time and was heading for his locker. Maybe I could say hi to Moon on the way. He turned direction and headed for her locker. He was pretty confident she was there. She's always there in the morning, Right? After a few turns he had reached the area Moon locker was. There it is! 

Winter had finally found her locker just to see nobody there. What? Y'know maybe she just finished early! Yeah yeah.. He quickly got his supplies from his locker and headed for homeroom. He sat his bag next to his desk as he stuffed his materials inside. 

Afterwards he scanned the room carefully. She wasn't here either. Maybe she was late? He then noticed Kinkajou and Turtle having a chat with Qibli and Umber. Maybe then know where Moon was? He walked over to his friends. 

" Oh, hey Winter!" Umber waved. He waved back. 

" Good mornin' ice-head!" Qibli greeted, fluffing his hair around. 

" Don't touch." He warned, swatting his hand away. 

" Yeah yeah. So, how you doin'?" Qibli asked, smiling willingly. 

" Nothing, have you guys seen or heard from Moon today or yesterday?" He questioned. Umber, Qibli, and Turtle shook their heads in a no while Kinkajou had a growing wicked grin across her face. 

" Mmmm, maybe I have~." She grinned, kicking her legs back and forth. 

" You have-" She interrupted him. 

" I said maybe." He immediately knew what she meant by that. 

" What do you want?" He asked. 

" Hmmm~ Maybe you admit that you're dating Moon-" 

" WHAT!? How do you know!? Did Moon tell you!?" 

" HA! I KNEW IT! MOON AND WINTER SITTING IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-" He immediately pounced onto her, showing his hand on his mouth. 

" SHUT UP!" He cursed through his teeth as his other friends snickered. 

" Tell anyone about this and all of y'all are dead!" He then noticed a huge grin at Qibli's face. 

" What is it now?!" 

" Nothin~" 

" I hate you guys so much." He grunted. 

" I love you too~"


The screams and chatting echoed in the enormous room as he stared at his food. He felt upset, even desperate to hear something about or even better if it was from Moon. Somethings up, she has never even missed a day of school! Well maybe once but that's all. Where is she!? He continued his deep thinking as he scanned the busy lunch room. 

" Watcha lookin' at lovebird?" Qibli asked, disrupting his thoughts. 

" Your mom." 

" Well, I mean I can understand that. She is a bit attractive, atleast was Smolder said-"

" Please shut up now." Qibli just rolled his eyes and went back to his conversation. He then scanned his eyes where Bigtail usually sat. Though, he wasn't there. He was always there. That's... Something. He ignored the bad thoughts quickly before it could get out of hand. 

Maybe I'll see her later today.


It was around early 5 PM where he was planning to stay at the school library for the sake of it. Kinkajou had told him that she wasn't in the dorm. She theorized that she just went to visit her mom. But he thought differently. It didn't make sense. 

Bigtail bullied me nearly everyday and absolutely loved showing off with it while Moon was a delicate, beautiful, striking, cute- STOP DAZING AGAIN!! He knocked himself on the head several times, trying to knock out his obsessive thoughts. If you keep dazing you're not going to get anywhere! He let out a long and loud sigh as he leaned back into his chair. 

The library was quiet. Several students were also here to study and to just chill around. Of course none of Bigtail friends were here though. He then pulled out his phone to cure his stress. He scrolled through his notification, clearing them as they meant no meaning. 

Except for the last one. A text message from an unknown person. Normally he would just ignore them but this one had something to it. He tapped his finger upon the message.

UNKNOWN: Meet me behind the school at 5 o'clock straight.

He stared at the message in bewilderment. He could casually ignore the message as a prank. But, it felt different this time. I'm going to do it. He quickly jumped out of his seat, ran out of the library and straight to where the meeting was planned. I hope I don't regret this.


After many turns and sprinting he had finally reached his destination. I guess I'm here. He took a quick exhale and turned the corner. It was something he least expected. 

Bigtail and his friends, and...



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