CHAPTER 48 | Getting Ready prt 1 |

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                                                                              WINTER POV

The mall. A humongous building filled with stores, money, and people. I was with Qibli and Turtle as usual. 

" So how are you guys excited for the dance!?" Qibli asked with ethasium. 

" Yeah but I'm a bit nervous.." Turtle said with a small mumble at the end. 

" Hey, don't be worried Turtle! It's you and Kink, when an introvert like you is with someone they are very comfortable with, it seems like nobody else is there!" Qibli reassured Turtle, receiving a smile from him. As Qibli and Turtle chatted a bit I was thinking deeply what suit Moon would love the most and gifts. I then was jabbed in the shoulder by Qibli, disrupting my thoughts. 

" What?" I said a bit rudely. 

" Are you excited for the dance too man!?" I rolled my eyes at his excitement and answered. " Of course Qibli.." I said with an obvious tone. 

" Ayyy! Finally you aren't 'emo like'!" Qibli teased with a chuckle. 

" You sure are blessed that I ain't no more cause I would've punched you in the face already.."


All of these are so trash.. I thought to myself as I sorted through each suit. Me and my friends were at a store where they were filled with suits. I couldn't find a single good one though. All I could find is those unattractive suits you would see men wearing at an office building. 

As I continued to look around, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see one of the attractive male workers at the store with a small gleam in his eyes.

" Yes?" I asked. 

" I see that you're looking for a suit, for prom I guess?" I nodded. 

" You seem to have a hard time looking for some so I was wondering if I could show you our actual good suits." He said with a hopeful smile. 

" Well I checked around the whole store and-" 

" Well you haven't seen our new ones, have you?" 

" I guess not." I said with small suspicion of him. 

" Follow me then." He then guided me to the back of the store where there were unreleased and very new suits. 

" Right here." He'd then shuffle through some nice boxes that were stacked carefully. My suspicion was high. He could pull anything out of those boxes that wasn't a suit. Anything. I then snapped open my pepper spray from my pocket, slowly pulling it out. 

I was getting ready to spray the worker until he pulled out a box from the pile. He turned back to see me waiting patiently. I hid the pepper spray behind my back before he could see it. 

" Follow me." He then led me out of the back to one of the small seating areas. He gently put the box onto the table. '

" Sorry for the wait but after seeing this, I bet you're not going to regret it." He then lifted the lid up to reveal a very delicate and very clean suit. 

" Now, it may not look like a suit you would see a man wearing at work but it is attractive-looking. Though we haven't had any models able to try it on so I was wondering since I helped you out you could-.." He then looked at me with a gleam once again. So this is why he had that gleam earlier. I guess he did help me so I'll return the favor. 

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