CHAPTER 3 | I Hate This |

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                                                                                       WINTER'S POV

      Winter ran through the crowds of people. He dodged them quickly left and right. Well not really. " Ow! Watch where you're going, dingus!" Someone yowled. Winter ignored them and kept dashing through everyone. Luckily nobody noticed or recognized him. 

Why so many people... Winter was nearly at his locker when he suddenly tripped over with his materials falling everywhere. " Oph!" Winter then saw a short girl above her. " O- oh! I- I'm so so- sorry!" The girl apologized with many stutters in between. Winter ignored her and went to pick up his stuff. 

After getting all his stuff back to his backpack, he'd notice his best pen was still missing. He looked around quickly until he noticed the girl was holding his pen. He'd swipe it quickly away from her but felt a small brush of her soft skin. He'd got himself up when the girl had apologized deeply once again. " I- I'm really so- sorry- '' Winter had already left the area quickly and went back to his journey.


After some time it was around time to start getting to classes. Winter was sitting on a silver medal bench in an empty quiet hallway. He was tapping his foot up and down lightly with his eyes focused onto the marbled floor. His cold bandaged hands hid in his pockets. He was thinking about school. 

He knew later on he would live at the school but that wasn't it. It was how he would keep himself low. While deep in thought someone had been walking through the hallway. Winter ignored the person like he regularly did but they didn't ignore him. 

" Well, hello fellow student." The boy greeted. He had stopped right in his tracks to stand about 6 feet away from Winter. " The name's Mighty.. Mighty'claws." The boy- Mighty grinned. Winter ignored. " Not much of a talker I see.. hm?" Mighty teased. Winter ignored him again. " Not much of a talker I see." He stepped one foot closer. " Your name is Winter, correct?" 

The foot tapping stopped. Winter knew he had got him. " Oh, I see I was correct." He'd smirked. Winter clutched his hands into fits underneath his pockets. What does this b!tch want?  Winter knew every time someone had gone up to him like this it would always be related to his sister. He took two steps closer this time. 

" Y'know, I used to know your sister in middle school." Of course. " She was my girlfriend." He took another step closer.. Only two feets away. " She had dumped me last year. I was just talking to some girl when she came over to me and slapped the Hell outta me. I explained it was just my cousin but of course she was soooo jealous. Hope I can win her over again." 

Without Winter noticing, Mighty'Claws was already in front of him with his face in front of his. He had a slight evil smirk on the side of his thin lips. This assh0le is really getting on my nerves. Winter just responded with a blank face. Mighty harshly seized Winter's arm and his chin. " Look assh0le!" He'd said in a whisper but intimidating tone. 

" I thought we could be friends but it seems like we already got some hell between us. If you ever come between ME we're going to have some problems." Mighty glared Winter down and let him go finally. " Threaten me again and you're the one who's going to have problems." Winter hissed. Winter was the one now standing over him. " Hmph." Mighty left off with a smirk and trotted back to his trail. Bastard.

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