My Christmas Special Gift

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"Are you serious, babe??" Sam looks so glistening once he found some news that he doesn't want to hear. But it's better when his boyfriend shared the news, instead of leaving him hanging on Christmas without telling him.

"It's a fucking holiday!! I thought we agreed on having two weeks off for Christmas and New Year's together before we go back to school." Sam continues.

"Well... tell a mother nature who decides puts 20 degrees blizzard and a snowstorm flying around, causing my flight to be canceled!!" A black-haired boy with his lips as a sad frown.

It's been 4 years since the former violet purple-haired boy's former gang went to college, right after they spend time with each other in summer. Colby told his friends, 'good luck' and he'll take a year off and spend more time with his new boyfriend. Until Sam finally survived his senior year of High School. So, they can settle in their first apartment together, so Colby can have a job and earn extra money. But Colby's mother saves her younger son's college fund in the safe, ever since he was born.

She always wants her only two sons to have enough money for their bright future. If a certain amount of money is not enough for them, they can still get a job at their campus. When Colby's father heard sirens from the cops, he tried to unlock his younger son's safe but the password is incorrect. But he decided to take off because he didn't have any time but Gage ruined his day and decided to save his baby brother.

The two boys has some difficult times where they couldn't celebrate their previous anniversaries because they went separate ways.

Sam is in Chicago studying art school, meanwhile, Colby is in New York at Julliard studying acting.

Colby was thinking if he could transfer to a different school, so he could be closer to Sam. But the blond boy knew deep down in Colby, he couldn't pass it up (because in Sam's opinion, it's the best school just made for his boyfriend). He wants what is best for his future.

When their biggest 4th anniversary was about to hit, they make sure to make some plans because it was the longest time since they got together. With the help of a few good friends covering for them, they celebrated their anniversary on a weekend in Paris, France. The City Of Love.

let's say.., it's the night they won't ever forget. 😉

Sam is in this position when he's sitting on his chair in their small apartment that they brought three years ago. His feet were on his chair. His laptop is on his table while he FaceTime with his boyfriend. His fingers carried his cup of hot chocolate while there was a pile of snow in his hometown, Kansas.

"So... this means.. we're not spending time with each other at Christmas?" Sam looked down and slightly stirred his drink.

"I'm so sorry, my love." Colby frowns when he's feeling guilty. "I did pay for my flight about two weeks ago but The Dean decided to let us have a Christmas break off for the last minute."

He knew how much the most wonderful time of the year meant so much to Sam. In Sam's opinion, Christmas is the most romantic thing for spending time with their partner. Even though Colby is not so fond of cheesy romantic things but he will manage for his boyfriend.

He wishes he could do something for his blond boy but fate has some other plans. They have to spend Christmas separately for the very first time because the flights are completely canceled since it's not safe. Colby knew Sam is very excited, the blond boy have been texting him every day for counting down the days.

"This sucks!" Sam signs. "What are you going to do alone on Christmas."

"Who said, I'm alone?" Colby takes a bite of his ice cream.

𝗔𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗥𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗧𝗼 𝗬𝗼𝘂 ✔ Where stories live. Discover now