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After school, Sam and Kat are in the theater room sitting down in one of the auditorium's chairs watching the students practicing. Kat looks over the blond boy staring at the distance after she through Sam's scripted as he didn't say a word for a long time ever since she got here. it's been two hours. "Hey, what's up with you?"

"How do you know that you like girls?" Sam bold as he rips the band-aid off.

She looked at him surprised. He never asked those types of questions when she first came out to Sam. "O-oh um..." She takes a deep breath as she shifts her sitting position, so she facing him properly. "Couple of years ago, Me and my friends were hanging out as we're planning for a sleepover, Grace brought a friend over. We're watching a movie and Violet sitting down next to me, I couldn't help but feel a weird pit of my stomach." Kat looks down as she fiddling her nails when she's speaking.

She glances at her best friend and she continues. "I thought it's just a bug. I caught her a sneaking glance at me and I feel flustered around her." She pauses for a moment. "Couple of months later, I keep denying my sexuality, and the girls and I were hanging out and talking about boys and crushes, I feel so uncomfortable. I was laying on my bed thinking about my future; I can't picture of me and any guy, I could be with."

"And finally, I found who I was." Kat smiled slightly.

Sam thinks about it and how much he related to it. He couldn't help but feel confused. He doesn't remember when the last time he has a crush on a girl. The last time he has a real relationship with a girl was since 8th grade. But it was ended a year later before the freshman year. He couldn't help but feel weird. Every time he sees or talked a girl, he doesn't feel the same, as his ex-girlfriend. Is it normal?

He remembered after Colby came out to him when he was 14 and a half, he sees how scared he was. Sam looks into Colby's eyes with tears, afraid that he won't look at him the same. He doesn't say anything to the brunette, he pulled into a hug and telling him 'I love you the same after all those years.' A month later, Sam stands up for Colby every time he was bullying after calling him those horrible words. Sam always has his back.

Recently, every time he saw Colby smile and be happy, Sam couldn't help but feel flustered or speechless. He never felt so shy around his rival till now. What is happening to him? Why is he feeling like this? He supposes to dislike him. Hate him... but yet he couldn't. He couldn't hate him because he cares so much about that boy.

Sam always just assumed he was straight, that was the default setting, straight. He never questioned it. But now that he's older and everyone's dating he can't bring himself to want to ask out some pretty and sweet girl. Sam sees gay couples and wishes he had that, sees straight couples and doesn't even react. It made no sense to him.

"Thanks, Kat for explaining." The blond boy simper, so grateful to have a friend who understands this situation. He knew he always count on her. He's so lucky, Sam couldn't imagine his life without her.

"Do you want me to drive you home tonight?"

"Actually, I'm going to walk home tonight to clear my head. But thanks for the offer."

Sam and Kat both stand up, Kat wrapped her arms around him tightly, thinking he needs a friend. She's kinda bewildered because usually people are always asked those types of questions if they're confused about their sexuality. "If you need anything. Just call me, because I'm always here for you." The blue-haired girl smiled.

"Okay, I will." Sam confidence waved goodbye as he walked out.

On the way home as Sam wandering down on the sidewalk. Sam put his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket and he looking around the fall weather. As he walking, the sun goes through in the trees making the colorful leaves goes brighter.

Sam starts to question that maybe he's not straight, maybe he's not ready to start feeling like this. But it happed all of sudden, and he's so confused. But he feels like it takes some time to think about it before he decided if he's not straight or labeled himself.

The blond boy stepped into his house, letting a blond boy know that he's home. He walked over to his kitchen table, set his backpack next to his chair. Sam looked around as he's confused because his parents are nowhere to be found. He pulled out his phone and start texting his parents if they're here or working late.

Sam walked upstairs to his room and enter his room, waiting to do something to clear his mind and take his stress away. The only thing he could think of... is paint. He always has a passion for art since he was 8 years old, he has loved it ever since. Sam doesn't care if he is in junior but he always knows where he wants to go to college and has so many plans for his future.

Sam shuffled over to his desk where his art supplies are, grabbed his Round Paint Palettes that hold multiple paints as he wants. He put right several colors into each palette. Next, Sam grabbed his empty canvas and placed it into a stand, and sit down on a stool.

For a minute, Sam thought about what did he want to paint that he hasn't done yet. It's been quite a while since he touches his paintbrushes because he's been so busy focusing on his school and the play. He dipped a color that he has chosen and lightly swipe onto the canvas.

Painting makes him calm down and keep his mind off things. No Colby, no school play, his sexuality; It's just him and his brushes.

Words counted: 1065

A little bit short but I'm not a big fan of the ending. I hope you guys enjoyed it! ❤❤❤ I want a chapter just focused on only his sexuality.

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