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"Alrighty, class! This is the first day of rehearsal and I want everyone to try their best behavior and I will not tolerate any sort of arguments or fighting. And as for acting, sitting around all day is not allowed, I want you guys to have more effort in your characters and feel the connection to them.

The auditorium is our only rehearsal room every day after school. Also, we have permission slips for your parents to sign, for staying after school hours. If any of you have any emergency come to me immediately and I will let you off early. That all understood?"

Mrs. Moore explains her rules to everyone. She is a sweet woman but she always takes school theater too seriously if someone doesn't follow the rules.

Everyone nods and some of them say 'yes.


" 'Romeo, the hate I bear thee can afford
No better term than this,--thou art a villain.' "

"Sam you need more emotion in," Mrs. Moore calls to him.

Colby scoffs silently. "Ha, he and emotions don't mix." He whispers to himself but a few people around him look questioningly.

Mrs. Moore and Sam also hear him since they're standing on the stage with him. They both ignore it and continue the scene. Finally, Sam says his lines right and now it's Colby's turn to say his line.

'Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee
Doth many excuses the appertaining rage
To such a greeting: villain am I none;
Therefore farewell; I see thou know'st me not.'

"No no no! Colby, it was too much of an over-exaggeration." Mrs. Moore says gesturing with her hand.

"You'll have to get used to it Mrs. Moore, he's never been good withholding in his little feelings," he said not holding any grudges. Forgetting he found the bottle of pills the other night.

"What the hell is your problem Sam?" Colby glares, utterly already done with working with him.

"Me? I don't have one. What's your problem?" Sam crossed his arms when looks at Colby with a tint of bold.

"Me? What did I do?? I didn't do anything idiot." Colby rolls his eyes.

"What? You started talking shit the second we walked in, you're being immature!"

"Oh, I'm immature? I'm not the one who walks away from friendships over stupid-"

"Boys! That's enough both of you!!" Mrs. Moore shouts.

"He's the one who-" Sam gets cut off.

"I don't want to hear it! Take it outside and work it out, now."

They both put their papers in Mrs. Moore's hand so she would hold on to it.

Colby and Sam walk backstage, the dark purple-haired boy grabs at his bag, opening it to pull something out and put it in his back pocket.

Both the boys walk outside, leaves were crunching beneath their feet while they're walking, and don't say anything else. It's a beautiful day, some colorful leaves scattered on the ground and wind rustling through the trees. It's Colby's favorite time of the year, he prefers autumn because of spooky holidays and spending time with his family.

Colby pulls out the pack of cigarettes from his back pocket. He pulls out a cigarette and puts it in between his plump lips and lights the end up. He takes it out of his mouth and looks at the blonde boy.

"Smoke?" He asks holding the lack out to him.

"W-what?" Sam furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at him confused.

𝗔𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗥𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗧𝗼 𝗬𝗼𝘂 ✔ Where stories live. Discover now