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Colby closes the door after he stepped into his home. He's glad he was able to get home after his date because he didn't have the best time. He's not surprised at all; he has been on a couple of dates with different guys but never has a real boyfriend before. Most of the guys are kind of stuck up, rude, and always interrupt when Colby trying to talk.

Colby wants to be with a perfect boy who he can trust. He wants a boy who can love him... for him. Makes him happy, a smile on his face every time he woke up in his bed with his partner. Fingers through his violet purple hair and want to be there for him, every time he has a nightmare, and his partner tells him everything is going ok. And took his anxiety away.

"Hey, sweetie. How's you're date going?"

Colby snaps out his thoughts. He didn't remember he's walking to his fridge when he's daydreaming. Saw his mother is sitting on the stool, paperwork is everywhere as she working before she turned it in, in the morning.

"I have never been more bored in my life," After he grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, and close it. "I mean... seriously. I have been on multiple dates and they always end up; never letting me talk, always interrupting when I'm trying to get one sentence, and never asking me anything." Colby sits down in front of his mother as he's ranting.

"Colby, you're a teenager and will most likely date quite a bit before finding an actual high school relationship." She put her pencil down, wanting to focus on her son. "You're 18, young and you have plenty of time to get an actual boyfriend before you go to college after summer?"

Colby doesn't tell his mom about the whole college thing. "Mom. I was thinking about taking a year off for taking a break from school and getting a job to earn extra money for college."

"How come? I paid for Gage's and now I'm paying for yours."

"I know. I appreciate it but I think it's time for repaying you cause you did so much for me. Keeping me safe, accept who I am, and keeping me happy as much as possible."

"I know, baby. I've been saving this when you were a baby." She pauses. "But I'm still putting the money in you're savings account because it's only fair for you and Gage. You still get a job, if you want but you spend it on food and other useful things."

Colby giggles as he smiles, knowing she's not changing her mind, like stubborn she is. She is like a super mom for taking care of two boys on her own, ever since her ex-husband sends away from prison. Watching her doing her work, signing some papers. Organized here and there before she turned it in for the next morning.

"Anyways... I think you will find the right guy for you. All you have to do is be patient." She smiled, not looking up from her work.

"I know but... I don't want to rush into these types of things, I want a perfect guy because I never have a boyfriend before."

"Colby, there's no such thing as a Mr. Perfect. Trust me, I've been there." She grins at her younger son. "No, I wasn't talking about you're father. The point is to get a boy who loves you and be there for you, whenever you needed him as much he needed you."

"Thanks, mom." Colby appreciated having a mother who understands him and gave him the best advice. After his dad got arrested, Gage always went to his room for checking Colby making sure he's ok. He wants to be there for him and doesn't want him to do something before he could make any regrets. After his older brother goes to college, their mother is taking care of Colby for making sure he's happy and safe.

Colby walked upstairs, letting her get her work done. He walked into his bathroom for planning to take a shower, clearing his mind. He would go to an abandoned building but he doesn't feel like going out late, since he has a school night. So... the shower is the only option.

He leans against the sink as he turned on his phone, going through his Playlist looking for what song he wanted to play. He clicked on a song of his choice 'You Don't Own Me' by SAYGRACE (feature. G-EASY).

Before he could put his phone down for taking a shower, he saw a notification from a certain blond boy. He clicked on the messages app to see a full text from Sam.

From the blond boy":
Sorry to hear that,
and yes I would love that. 🖤🖤

He feels his heartbeat so racing in his chest. He's glad he and Sam are getting along so well, ever since they discussed the innocent. But he doesn't know what label they are, are they friends? Rivals? He honestly doesn't know.

To Sam👻:
Okay, see you then Blondie.
Sweet dreams ☺️

He turned on the shower for warm water as he stripped all of his clothes. He stepped in when the water hits him from his hair to his bareback. He ran his hand through his hair making sure the water is everywhere. He couldn't help but think about how Sam kinda seemed hurt when he said he was going on a date. He smiles to himself knowing Sam was always a possessive friend.

He honestly missed it about him. Before he came out to Sam, he somehow has those types of feeling for the blond boy. Every time Sam hugs him or has been there for him, he couldn't help but feel so flustered around. He was so confused about why is he feeling that way. But somehow it went away but he found it odd to think about it now.

Recently, Colby feels a weird pit of his stomach that he didn't feel for a long time. He remembered the boy feels so weird he told Sam he loves him as a brother. I mean... It's a half-truth, he did like Sam as a sibling but right now, he's not so sure about that.

Words counted: 1072

Not a big of this chapter but I hope you guys enjoy it

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