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Students have finally got their costumes in. Each main character has different types of outfits in each scene. They have a daily suit, daily dresses but some for the ball, capes, and armor for the fight scene. Everyone has their costumes fitted to make sure if they fit like a glove. Mrs. Moore wants them to start practicing in their costumes.

So they did.

They did start rehearsing from the beginning, middle and the end in order. It's such an amazes when the practice is so good every time they're performing. Some were nervous, some were excited and some wanted to be over with. Some students don't have a real choice to be in the play, since their parents make them do.

But now, they've started having a great time and having fun. They made a few mistakes from not long ago but it's ok; Practice makes perfect. They have been working until they're taking a break and drinking some water for hydration. They're all sitting down and relaxing for a bit.

Sam and Colby walked over to the seats of the auditorium to sit down with their friends. Kat and Devyn have been staying and watching their friends for the practice. It's nice to have friends for support who they cared about the past few years. Sam is on his phone for checking if he had any messages and he does. He has a text message from his mom.

Sam's mom decided they're having dinner with Colby and his mom tonight. The last time they have dinner, it was at Colby's house when the two boys are never getting along. It was that night when Sam found some Colby's pills. The blond boy froze from that memory, he hates those memories when they're fighting over a dumb rumor.

"Hey, um... Colby?" Sam said in his usual dull voice.

"Yeah? What's up, Sam?' Colby gazes at him.

"Our families want us to have some dinner after school." He said softly.

"Really? That's cool." Colby nods. "Do you guys have any plans for dinner tonight? If not, you guys are more than welcome to join us."

"I don't think so," Kat explained. "My mom told me she has a date tonight with some guy she's seeing with. I don't feel like it like eating alone." She shrugged. "If you guys don't mind. "

"Not at all. What about you Devyn?"

"Nope, I told my parents if I could stay with Kat's and they said, they don't mind." She confessed.

"Do you know what we should do honestly?" Sam said. "I think we do something later, after dinner."

"What are you thinking? Sleepover? Movies? Bowling?" Kat replied.

"I don't know." Sam shrugged. "We'll figure it out something. I don't know if I'm in the mood for another movie night."

"Yeah, we have been having a shit ton of movies lately." Colby giggled. "Need to take a break from those."

The group of friends has been continually talking over an hour before the boys have to go back and continue practicing for a little while. Devyn and Kat have left after Sam and Colby go back for rehearsing and the girls are going home for getting ready for dinner.

Sam and Colby kinda hoping their parents don't mind inviting their friends to come along, since they didn't ask them. But their parents would love to meet the girls. To them, the more the merrier would be nice.

The restaurant is a little bit fancy. The table has a bright white table cloth, 7 wine glasses, and a couple of plates for salad. Sam's and Colby's moms have some wine, the group of friends have water in their wine glasses. The napkins turn into a pyramid. Right above them, there's a medium-size golden chandler were hanging on a ceiling.

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